New command for survival/factions/skyblock

Can a command be added like xp in a bottle do what is actually already in the server but is disabled (/extractexperience)

Why do I/we like it so much:
We can indeed also use / trade but that is quite different from an xpbottle where you can enter your own xp with number.
For example: 5 levels in an xp bottle stuck that we might also be able to make an xp shop.
That makes it all easier for .. See more

#1 - Status: closed - See reply

6 years ago by Destitution_ for Survival



I know that it will cost money getting a bedwars server into the server,

But i guess the benefits for the server will be good, Since this type of minigames will do increase popularity of the server.

Which means in future updates when we get ranks, You will have enough money equals more than you actually did pay in this mode !

Thanks for reading my suggestion :) .

#2 - Status: closed - See reply

6 years ago by kabo111 for Global



we would like to have this command and its just disabled its god to store exp for later use just enabling this command will do the job

#3 - Status: closed - See reply

6 years ago by awesometj2k for Global


Top 3 voters rewards

Give rewards to the top 3 voters of the server every month. Rewards can vary each month if you choose, for example: 1st-$100k, 2nd-$50k, 3rd-$30k. This could give players another reason to vote on the server. Also as time goes by and when buycraft is set up, you can change the prizes to: 1st-$50 voucher, 2nd-$20 voucher, 3rd-$5 voucher. This could keep the server interesting and bring more playe.. See more

#5 - Status: closed - See reply

6 years ago by steelrcraft for Global


Vote links

Can you put the 6 vote links on the forum?
And fix the serverpack link?

- GaMingN21

#6 - Status: closed - See reply

6 years ago by Destitution_ for Global


Hostile mobs

It would be pretty sweet if there were more hostile mobs. I've been playing a lot recently and I've noticed that the spawn rate for mobs is pretty low. The owner may have a good reason for doing so, that I don't know. If this could happen. Sick. If not doesn't really change anything haha.


#7 - Status: closed - See reply

6 years ago by landon__allstar for Towny


A whole list of creative suggestions

Yeeeees, it's me again with the creative suggestions. I'm starting to get annoying, I know, and that's why this is actually the last thing I will submit for creative suggestions I promise :P

Before I begin there are some things I want to mention:

1. I posted this again since no one replies to anything I post about creative honestly. This time I'll be patient though, I know .. See more

#8 - Status: closed - See reply

6 years ago by Andrej for Creative


A Rules board or somthing simler

no one seems to read the rules before playing. Yes as a staff member its my job to get players to read the rules but 8/10 times they will just ignore me and say i didn't know there where rules and that is because we have no wall or board or hologram in game for them to read. i feel like if we just had the rules on a board at or near spawn some where and put a warp there it would work a lot b.. See more

#10 - Status: closed - See reply

5 years ago by Darkascention for Global


unwanted people on your plot

I got onto creative to build a small scale model of a farm egirlbunny and I were getting ready to build for the survival server. After a few minute of working on it one of the tripwire/pistons activated. When I backed up and looked around I saw a player with the invisibility particles at my plot snooping around. I had not invited them to be there and I did not accept a tp request from anyone. Th.. See more

#11 - Status: closed - See reply

5 years ago by PapaCoopster for Creative


rule change

Egirlbunny and I had dogs murdered today. I explored over 24,000 square blocks to get those dogs. We thought our pets were safe because the were in our claim, in our house. The piece of garbage did not have trust on our claim. We do not want to have to lock everything up to keep it safe...thought that is what the claims were there to prevent. One dog killed I could see as griefing. This I truly.. See more

#12 - Status: closed - See reply

5 years ago by PapaCoopster for Survival


unfair advantages

There is no reason that I can see to not give a level playing field to even us old and computer stupid people. I vote every day on every site you have provided for the players to vote on. I am in about 8th place on top voter list. This is a crock of $#%$. There should not be advantages given to some people. If you are going to count votes from sites you should list them on the forum for people. .. See more

#14 - Status: closed - See reply

5 years ago by PapaCoopster for Global


A 2nd Survival world? server? gamemode?

I saw that the menu was changed in the lobby but it looks kinda empty i was thinking maybe a survival world where there is no /shop and no /bal system so there is basically a completely player based economy. or a 1.13 world with some differences I actually know this is possible from other servers. i just dont know if it is with SC.

#15 - Status: closed - See reply

5 years ago by Darkascention for Global


fix minecarts

minecraft just isnt the same with broken mine carts. Please fix the minecarts PLEASE

#16 - Status: closed - See reply

5 years ago by PapaCoopster for Global



Horses need the same fix you guys did with minecarts. Whatever the change was that made it so you cant enter a minecart also seems to have made it so horses can not be mounted if they are standing on partial blocks.

#17 - Status: closed - See reply

5 years ago by PapaCoopster for Global



Please add skywars to strongcraft that would be so good.

#20 - Status: closed - See reply

5 years ago by TarboushMC for Global


Pets for Donors

Hello, I am __Klas__, a rather large donor on the server and liked member in the community. As of April 18th, 2019 it has come to my attention that the server has Echo Pets as a plugin. Being the excited man that I was I decided to try and use this command with my diamond donator rank but upon seeing that I couldn't use it i was shocked. The server has it as a plugin but doesnt allow donator.. See more

#21 - Status: closed - See reply

5 years ago by __Klas__ for Global


Ranked Player Commands

As we know, Ranked Player get a slight advantage over other players which is off course what they pay for.
Now I don't think the Ranked Players and Regular players have enough permissions.

I suggest adding /fly (INSIDE OWN TERRITORY (Skyblock on own Island, Factions in own Claims, Survival in own Claims)) to the Diamond Rank (Highest Rank). Sometimes stuff like Generator Buckets on Fac.. See more

#22 - Status: closed - See reply

5 years ago by Kolid for Global


More In Game Announcements

Instead of having the discord announcement every 10 minutes, you should have it alternating between a bunch of different things, less website & discord and more helpful commands

Since honestly, I don't even know half the commands exist and while there is no place to look at every possible command your server has to offer, it gets a bit confusing, and also annoying for new players who con.. See more

#23 - Status: closed - See reply

5 years ago by scrs for Skyblock


key trading

Can we make key trading across servers against the rules?

It's really fucking annoying getting assholes who hop on skyblock and ask for keys, then say "youre all assholes" or just talk shit when we say we dont want to or dont have any. (mostly younggirl1)

I'm not saying like we shouldn't do it ever... but I think getting on other servers just to beg and moan and bitch about i.. See more

#24 - Status: closed - See reply

5 years ago by scrs for Global


No AFK Staff

While I don't know the rules of the staff, I feel it's unfair to have only 1 staff member on the server who is just afk the whole time.
Especially when there's problems going in front of the staff and no matter how much we ping or /helpop , the afk staff member obviously doesn't do anything about it since they're not here.

#25 - Status: closed - See reply

5 years ago by scrs for Other


Head Database

Since Lapiz ranks have access to /skull , and while I personally use it to just make my builds cute, unsure what others do, i think it'd be super neat if we also had access to the skull data base thingy!!


these things!!

I think maybe it could also be a donator perk- they get it for free every half hour (instead of 5 minutes) while non donat.. See more

#26 - Status: answered - See reply

5 years ago by scrs for Global


Clear chat command

I was on a server and I saw that if players advertised, the staff would simply clear the chat. I talked about it to Andrej and we both agreed that it should be added, so we're both suggesting it.

I searched "minecraft clear chat plugin" on google and very quickly found one (I don't know if it's good enough to be added, but since other servers seem to have it it can't be that b.. See more

#27 - Status: closed - See reply

5 years ago by qazwsx for Global


minor rule updates

Hi, not to say the rules need update themselves but it would be handy to have the limits of items posted somewhere. Nowhere i have seen hopper, pistion, mob, or spawner limit (might be missing some) on the website or ingame. One more thing is the tabs on the website are clear with just words makes it a little hard to see. I had to talk to mod who directed me where the tabs were as i just did.. See more

#28 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by Sleepwalker420 for Global


Vote Party

Hello, I personally think that a Vote party would be a really cool server feature, consisting of setting a goal of votes and when it reaches the goal, every player online receives, I don't know, a certain amount of vote keys or at least one, that way, people will be more interested in voting and it benefits both the server and the players. I would like to see this in Factions/Survival/Skyblo.. See more

#29 - Status: accepted - See reply

4 years ago by Cabsan for Global


Discord modifications

On the discord suggestion channel I recently suggested some tweaks to be added to the server's discord that I believe would make the discord a bit more interactive and interesting for players, and since people seemed to like the idea I'll suggest it here too:

I feel like there should be some new channels, namely "Events" that could be used to tell players about upcoming events (drop p.. See more

#30 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by qazwsx for Global