Hunger Games

I don't know why nobody ever plays the HungerGames server in StrongCraft. I would suggest re-creating the server and maybe making some events in it. That should boost people playing in Hunger Games.

#57 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by SirKnightThomas for Global


I want to add opfactions gamemode

Hey Staff Members i want to add Opfactions its same of factions but its better customenchantment OverPowredArmor Tools EveryThing X2 can u guys add it ?
And thanks :3

#56 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by saniiboo for Global


Bed Wars

Bed Ward! Ever haerd of it? Ever played it? Maybe not...
Anyway, I'd like to raise a vote for a new server in StrongCraft, Bed Wars. Of course. I don't think it will get many votes, but you never know. I think if StrongCraft has a Hunger Games, it really hould have a Bed Wars.

#55 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by SirKnightThomas for Global


Suggestions! (don't kill me plz)

1. You make it so the hunger games matches require less players to start.

2. You add more roles like event managers and CM (Community manager to help players with basic commands).

3. Add a few more game modes/minigames.

4. Fix the current game modes like hunger games which have some issues (e.g: the giant hole that i'm make Desti fix rn).

5. Some more fun perks cuz its kinda dea.. See more

#54 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by _TwoPro_ for Global


A Hall Of Fame.

The New Spawn For Creative Should have a Hall Of Fame, With a list of signs of really cool build done on the creative server. And you click on a sign and it teleports you to that plot id.

#52 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by Colden226 for Creative


Mini Dragon Pet

Add A Mini EnderDragon pet that you can ride.
PLz c:

#51 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by Colden226 for Global


Improvement to ChestHoppers

A improvment to ChestHoppers allowing them to Accept items from Regular hoppers And be able to condense items/auto sell when fed with regular hopper.

So currently When A item is fed into a ChestHopper using a hopper, There is no change to it. But If you have the item feeding the ChestHopper chosen to Condense or to sell it does nothing.
Ex: https://ibb.co/FnV0HTK I have the condense upgra.. See more

#50 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by Colden226 for Global


Staff/builder/YouTuber age limit

I believe the 3 staff category age limits should all be synchronised to the same age

#49 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by qazwsx for Global


MCTOP rankings

Hey I had an idea that your MCMMO rank / where you are on /mctop (what # place you are) should be in front of your name or rank when you speak in chat. Yes, I would like this so I can flex a little bit about my mcrank but I do believe that this could give players a large incentive to play more on this server so they can show off too.

#48 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by MichOwnsSlaves for Global


claim ban

A command to use on annoying players who claim troll, this command will ban the player from entering the claim.

#44 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by Mr_AlexDoe for Survival


Monthly event

I would like to suggest a monthly event ( buildbattle , hungergames , hide and seek ..... ) where players can win prizes .

#43 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by gorgon100 for Global


Build Battle

a game where you and other players build something, when its done the players can vote what building is the best one.

#42 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by Mr_AlexDoe for Global


This Would be nice

I would Just Like To Suggest ZAR or RANDS Currency To The Strong Craft Store. Because i'm From South Africa And We Are Rands/ZAR. Have A Nice Day

#41 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by _JasonXx for Global


Commands list

Create a commands list outside minecraft to make easy to learn it

#40 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by Balikali for Creative


Discord reactions

It's such a small thing, but reactions on discord are used a lot, and it has the benefit of avoiding users spamming reactions directly in chat, which are huge!!!
And it's a major trend on the discord bot

#39 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by qazwsx for Global



Skywars in one of the most unique and popular gamemode on minecraft server. I would like to see a skywars server here in the server. This server doesn't have any minigame gamemodes other than hungergames which is quite dead.

#38 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by VeteranX for Global


Please change the /rtp time and /f top.

Hello staff! I wish you would change the random teleport or wild to a little lower time. Maybe 1 hour or 30 minutes? I mean I don't choose the time but I suggest it should be lower. Also another thing, please change /f top in factions back to the money not points. I was used to wealth and I like it more and probably other people like it too, also I think the point is to have the richest fact.. See more

#37 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by Dusty_Doggo for Global



Please add the ability to purchase spawners In factions only current spawners able be brought are pigs and iron golem and in my opinion there to expensive especially the pig. But most important part of this request is add the purchase of spawners. Thanks.

#35 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by Skylarks1 for Towny


Increase Cactus sell price at Skyblock. To 3.5 or higher.

Even with Chesthopper, decreasing the price from 10 to a mere 1$ will yield a worse income even with a more efficient cactus farm.

There are arguments, that we should rather decrease the amount of time we are AFK, if so, why reduce a farm, where you actually have to build in order to gain money? With farms such as endermite farm, where you only have to buy from the shop, place the spawners a.. See more

#34 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by Meduxa for Global


Afk Kicktime Suggestion

So About 3 weeks ago, the afk kick time was changed for users that have iron rank and below so the users get kicked after 10 mins of being afk instead of 200 mins. This Is smart Because with the server growing it keeps lag down. But I think that the users with iron rank and above (the users that have /afk) I think that if they dont use the command /afk before they go afk, then they will have a 6.. See more

#33 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by Colden226 for Global


Minimum players to start a match in HungerGames. Dearthmatch and food.

Since we're not a big server, it is really hard to start a match and get 8 players as minimum.

It would be very nice if it was decreased to 6 or even 4.

If the minimum player requirement decreases, then deathmatch should start with 2 players rather than 3.

More food is suggested by a lot in-game, even though it is very easy to get some in a "carepackage".

#31 - Status: accepted - See reply

4 years ago by Meduxa for Improvements


Discord modifications

On the discord suggestion channel I recently suggested some tweaks to be added to the server's discord that I believe would make the discord a bit more interactive and interesting for players, and since people seemed to like the idea I'll suggest it here too:

I feel like there should be some new channels, namely "Events" that could be used to tell players about upcoming events (drop p.. See more

#30 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by qazwsx for Global


Vote Party

Hello, I personally think that a Vote party would be a really cool server feature, consisting of setting a goal of votes and when it reaches the goal, every player online receives, I don't know, a certain amount of vote keys or at least one, that way, people will be more interested in voting and it benefits both the server and the players. I would like to see this in Factions/Survival/Skyblo.. See more

#29 - Status: accepted - See reply

4 years ago by Cabsan for Global


minor rule updates

Hi, not to say the rules need update themselves but it would be handy to have the limits of items posted somewhere. Nowhere i have seen hopper, pistion, mob, or spawner limit (might be missing some) on the website or ingame. One more thing is the tabs on the website are clear with just words makes it a little hard to see. I had to talk to mod who directed me where the tabs were as i just did.. See more

#28 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by Sleepwalker420 for Global


Clear chat command

I was on a server and I saw that if players advertised, the staff would simply clear the chat. I talked about it to Andrej and we both agreed that it should be added, so we're both suggesting it.

I searched "minecraft clear chat plugin" on google and very quickly found one (I don't know if it's good enough to be added, but since other servers seem to have it it can't be that b.. See more

#27 - Status: closed - See reply

5 years ago by qazwsx for Global