
Skyblocks across from eachother with a emeraldes base in the middle and islands betweewn with diamondes aka bedwars

#172 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by Jordankoos for Global



Skyblocks across from eachother with a emeraldes base in the middle and islands betweewn with diamondes

#171 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by Jordankoos for Global


Add new titles.

Hey its been boring using same title all day add these titles.
*RyanFan*.. See more

#169 - Status: accepted - See reply

4 years ago by Solryn for Global



Can u add jobs? like add an npc to the spawn that the name will be " JOBS " and there are like different other jobs but it only has a 3job max unless with the ranks +1 job every rank. Also add bedwars? 1.8 bedwars.

Job Examples:
Hunter: kill hostile mobs for money
Builder: make structures for money
Enchanter: Enchant tools, armor and weapons
Tamer: earn money by taming cats or dogs
Spaw.. See more

#166 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by LiamTheNew for Global


Drop party is terrible

We were all informed about a drop party. Much hype was being built. Then nothing it was over in a second and one person got 1 vote key. It is terrible and needs to be fixed asap.

#163 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by 999oli for Skyblock


add shortcut /is al for /is addlevels

cus its a shortcut if its there

#162 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by C0lim0n for Skyblock


add /is vault for each islands

since an island can have multiple players in it, it would be better if the island had an /is vault
even if the storage for the vault is just 9 items/stacks. it would help a lot for skyblock gameplay :D

#161 - Status: open

4 years ago by C0lim0n for Skyblock


when will we go to 1.16.4

when will we go to 1.16.4
i would like to have more new blocks and other stuff
so i can start playing on my favorite server again
1.6 is getting boring

#160 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by Pindagamer for Global


/f top

I'm sure a lot of people have been wanting this, and it's to change /f top from most points to the most money. I think this would be way better because then people can't pass you by stealing your points, they can only pass you by getting more money themselves.

#159 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by GradyGrizz for Towny


Edit to /afk

/afk should not remove a players AFK status within a second of them using the command. Lightly brushing against the mouse while pressing escape is all it takes to end your AFK instantly.

#158 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by Fishyfishking for Global


Tamed wolf/dog improvement.

I came up with this idea after a major arguement between two players broke out. 1 killed the other's tamed wolves in the wolf owner's claim, and the owner of the wolves got extremely upset.

Enough beating around the bush, the suggestion is to make players unable to attack wolves in claims unless the wolves are aggravated towards said player.
If this suggestion is possible, which I do.. See more

#157 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by Fishyfishking for Global



/ignore should function even if the target player isn't currently online.

#156 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by Fishyfishking for Global


Clear inventory

Remove /cic command since /ci pretty much does the same thing with confirmation. Alot of people can get trolled if they hear about /cic without knowing what it does.

#155 - Status: answered - See reply

4 years ago by Blactose for Global


Building competitions

The server shoud have a building competitons on events like Halloween , Christmas and Easter

#154 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by vardins213 for Global



Can you make it so that less players are needed to spawn envoy. I have never seen 20 players online at once in factions so it would be nice if it was 5-10 players.

#153 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by Blactose for Towny



I enjoyed playing Prison for 1 week, but then I realized that there's nothing to do expect breaking blocks for nothing. You can add some small rewards in Prison to catch up more players. I would suggest that you should give 10 Euro to top miner and 5 Euro to 2nd top miner. This will help to get more players interested in playing prison currently, Prison is not going well in this Server
Howe.. See more

#152 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by Light_669 for Prison



Hi dear staffs!
I waa just exploring this server's lobby but then I realised that I can do nothing in the lobby, which is why I thought to suggest you guys that you should add collectables in the lobby, and the person who managed to collect them all, gets rewarded, this will help the server to get more players. Players will start spending times being online on the server, they will tell it .. See more

#151 - Status: shortlisted

4 years ago by Light_669 for Lobby



Dear Staffs!
I know that StrongCraft.org is a great Minecraft server, but there are few players who are bored because they are on the max rank on strongcraft.org but they want more ranks, so I wanted to tell you that you should make another rank that will be the most powerful rank and people will buy it. That's all I wanted to tell you guys.

I wish you will take a look into my suggestion.. See more

#150 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by Light_669 for Global


Instagram content

I just saw that you guys have an IG account now but have no content yet. So I had a thought, why not let people submit screenshots of their builds and post it on discord or something? ofc it must be an original creation and made in the server

#149 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by CoolerMondi for Global


Among Us

This might be a tough, time consuming suggestion, but Among Us is the biggest trending game right now and it would be fun to be able to play this on the server. In the form of tasks, we could have reactive signs that open an interactive menu with different tasks or something similar. If this suggestion is accepted it would be appropriate for the maps to resemble the maps included in the actual g.. See more

#148 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by AmeliaSacred for Global



Right now a CTA event requires 15 people to type /cta vote in order to start, but that is a pretty rare occasion. My suggestion is to make it similar to the DTP in Prison and to make it start automatically based on player count. With the way it is now there can be multiple of these events in a row so as a fair trade for automatic starts you could also add a 2 hour cooldown on CTA events as DTP e.. See more

#147 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by AmeliaSacred for Global


Youtube Application

I'm a Filipino and my videos are also in Tagalog (Filipino language) and I'm trying to apply for youtuber but I can't because of my videos. Can you please make it so every language can apply? Thank you

#146 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by coolbro8gaming for Global


Add Top leaderboards for kills at the spawn

Idk what to say just addd leaderboards at spawn maybe it is good or not idk just add it


#145 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by Instaneous for Global



Hey.Iam Wondering Why there is no unban at store maybe if you got banned or your freind you can buy him unban i wanna buy unban for my freind and when i did search in store there is no unban can you add it
Thank you for reading

#142 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by SuddenImpact_ for Global


Change The Server To The Newest Version Possible

I know most people just say play on 1.8.9 to not experience any lag but the resolution in 1.16 and the new versions are amazing, also I am asking for this since there are a lot of new and cool blocks that everyone likes to use in these versions so it would be really nice if that could happen. any version between 1.15.2 to 1.16 would be great thank you for listening

#141 - Status: accepted - See reply

4 years ago by KiIIerSkuII for Global