
Add /claim fly again, remove chesthoppers

claim fly was a thing before the reset that happened in november. a lot has changed since then.. not only are there almost no big build projects on the server, its just a thing everyone wants too see back. I saw that ameen suggested the similar thing and it got 13 thumbs up. I dont know why this is getting ignored, but please just add it back.

Not only claim fly changed after the reset... See more

#111 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by JannesHermans for Survival


Adding title

Hello There! Here is my suggestion ...
I want a title called Muffin ..
It will be nice to have it ..
Please add it

Thank You

#110 - Status: accepted - See reply

4 years ago by Instaneous for Global


Survival vouchers like factions?

J went on facs and noticed that vouchers are awarded to F top factions, all the way up to $50. was wondering, when, and if survival resets, there could be something similar. Perhaps judge players on their server "net worth". this could assess players on some kind of leaderboard based on money, claimed land perhaps, kills, spawners, etc.

kinda unfair if factions gets a way to get vouchers but .. See more

#109 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by MichOwnsSlaves for Global


Discord/ NitroBoosters

Currently when players are boosting the Discord server they receive x2 vote rewards. Well, I think when a player boost the Discord server, it announces it on the Minecraft Server saying "<Player> Just Boosted The Discord Server." And the player would receive a hot pink title "NitroBooster" for the length that they are boosting the server. And if a player stops boosting the Discord server .. See more

#108 - Status: accepted - See reply

4 years ago by Colden226 for Global


add more stuff to chesthoppers and /shop

Can you guys add more stuff to chesthoppers? like coals and arrows from wither skeletons, brown and red shrooms which can be auto farmed, and eggs from chickens.
And in addition to suggestion #103, aside from roses, there are other mob drops that are not sellable or being auto collected by chesthoppers. eg: ghast tears; cow, chicken, pig, and rabbit drops; wither skeleton drops; snowballs; and .. See more

#107 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by CoolerMondi for Global


Asking about other servers on strongcraft

I wanted to know how much time will it take the strongcraft community to become big enough and host other servers because adding other servers like kitpvp would benefit the strongcraft server a lot :) so please answer to my question.

Thank you

#106 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by Instaneous for Global



There have been many rumors about a reset, thats either coming soon or not soon. The time doesn't matter though.

What matters is getting rid of MCMMO.



#105 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by MichOwnsSlaves for Global


New Staff Votes approval votes.

I had an idea that I thought would be good.

Right now, people apply to staff and are either excepted or denied by staff. I think, if accepted, there should be one more step in the process.

I think the community should get more of a say about who becomes staff to make it more fair. It would make the server have less of an oligarchy feel to it, and make this place feel more like a democracy .. See more

#104 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by MichOwnsSlaves for Global


Add Roses for sale on /shop

When we have iron golem spawners, there will be iron ingots and rose but sadly we cant sell the roses.

#103 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by HarleenIsHot for Skyblock



A KitPVP would be very nice, and KitPVP for new people

#102 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by Mr_AlexDoe for Global


Unban All

There were some rumors floating around today that EC had an unban all on purpose one time. Although I find this hard to believe i trust the player that said it happened. I was thinking, that since EC is a very successful server, we should copy what’s going on over there to replicate their success. I think something that would increase player base, would be to copy thst unban all and do it here. .. See more

#101 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by MichOwnsSlaves for Global


/claim fly back!

I don't know why the claim fly has been removed, but it should be back on survival because it's helpful for the people to build stuff in their claims, so more creativity and more beautiful warps, thanks.

#100 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by Torry42 for Survival


Add "visitors can damage mine carts/boats" as an /is setting

Adding a setting to allow players to damage / place mine carts and boats would allow for some very fun mechanics to happen. I highly recommend that this setting gets added to the /is setting list.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and please let me know what you think!
Love 999oli

#99 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by 999oli for Skyblock


Players banned from entering claims

Sometimes threes always bound to be someone who is really annoying. I'm thankful for the /claim kick option, but the kicked player can always do /back and come back in the claim. I suggest adding a /claim ban option so the player can't come back into the claim.

#98 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by ItsFrostOfficial for Global


Mitigate vote abusing to trigger /voteparty pay out

Today I went online and did /voteparty. It was telling me I did not participate in the /voteparty yet, this is what I expected, as I did not vote yet.
Then I did /vote and tried to vote using the links. I discovered that I could not vote on 4 of the 5 servers.
I asked around in chat and it seems that some players are voting for other players to increase /voteparty counts. This gives control on.. See more

#97 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by JWok for Global


Giving vouchers every week for the Top group.

Giving vouchers every week for top groups would add a little more spice for playing the game mode that offers it. It will strongly give a feeling for being one of the top rank players and maintaining the top. As an example, Factions is dead atm, and doing this may actually boost the server players and it may give some people a competitive reason to play the game. It doesn't hurt to try this .. See more

#96 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by xoticOp for Global


nether world borders

please add a a border in nether just like in overworld on the limits of your island. i know there is a warning if you fly past it, but isnt it better to have border instead?

#95 - Status: open

4 years ago by CoolerMondi for Skyblock


Adding title

I wanted to suggest you that can you add a title of dota? I

Thank you

#94 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by Instaneous for Global


Points for Players

Sometimes theres always bound to be players who don't like spending money online, and yet wants a rank, and some other stuff. thats me! I've wanted to buy something from the StrongCraft store for a while but don't like spending money online.
So i thought that people who have been online for a long time, say 6 months or a bit less, can get points. Players could get points depending .. See more

#93 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by xXDivisionZeroXx for Global


Spawners in Creative

Hey! I know Survival has spawners, but I noticed today that Creative doesn't have any. can you please add spawn cages in Creative please?
Frost :D

#92 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by ItsFrostOfficial for Creative


Homes in Survival

I'm not the only one who would like this added. Sometimes having only 2 homes is a nuisance. Can you please add a /Home 3 because thats a lot easier.

#91 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by ItsFrostOfficial for Survival



Hey can you please do another build battle? You haven't had one for a while and I'd like to enter in it as well.
Please, it would mean a lot.

Frost :D

#90 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by ItsFrostOfficial for Creative



Hey, can you create a skywars gamemode? Please, everyone likes Skywars, and its a fun gamemode, and it will bring more people into StrongCraft and make it more popular.
Frost :D

#89 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by ItsFrostOfficial for Global


Making Diamond rank able to do /f se.

Adding Diamond rank able to use /f se in factions would make factions a better server. Factions rarely gets 5 players online and envoy starts when there are 20 people online. How is envoy soposed to start if not even 1/4 of players are even online. Making diamond rank or lower able to spawn envoy would be very interedting.

#88 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by xoticOp for Towny


Unkillable Dogs

Here is something that I'm sure all players want. When a player gets a cat and tames it, the cat is unkillable by other players. Thats not the same with dogs. I had four dogs and another player killed them. Can you make it so players can't kill other player's dogs?
Please it would mean a lot. (I lost 80k worth of dogs lol)

#87 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by ItsFrostOfficial for Global