hey! i would like to sugget some new and unique titles


#562 - Status: accepted - See reply

1 month ago by NOT_SURE_ for Global



Yo,it would be cool if we had a boss called GrimReaper with 25k hp that summons baby zombies,wither skeletons with gold armor and diamond swords.The boss gives you slowness effect if you get too close,It spawns the baby zombies and wither skeletons every 4 minutes for 2 times maximum.The boss should have netherite armor and power 3 bow.Hopefully this will added let me know if the boss would need.. See more

#566 - Status: open

3 weeks ago by Dev1ss for Survival


Improve boss crates loot

Make the bosshunter bow have power 7, add bosshunter pickaxe and shovel both with efficiency 7 and make the bosshunter axe have sharpness 7

#580 - Status: open

1 week ago by _SCraft_ for Global


New command for survival/factions/skyblock

Can a command be added like xp in a bottle do what is actually already in the server but is disabled (/extractexperience)

Why do I/we like it so much:
We can indeed also use / trade but that is quite different from an xpbottle where you can enter your own xp with number.
For example: 5 levels in an xp bottle stuck that we might also be able to make an xp shop.
That makes it all easier for .. See more

#1 - Status: closed - See reply

6 years ago by Destitution_ for Survival


Vote links

Can you put the 6 vote links on the forum?
And fix the serverpack link?

- GaMingN21

#6 - Status: closed - See reply

6 years ago by Destitution_ for Global



/ignore should function even if the target player isn't currently online.

#156 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by Fishyfishking for Global



Skyblocks across from eachother with a emeraldes base in the middle and islands betweewn with diamondes aka bedwars

#172 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by Jordankoos for Global


Monthly event

I would like to suggest a monthly event ( buildbattle , hungergames , hide and seek ..... ) where players can win prizes .

#43 - Status: closed - See reply

5 years ago by gorgon100 for Global


Stair Chairs Island Setting

Have a setting in the island settings to allow/disallow Stair chairs. Reason: Can be used to block glitch out of areas. Video: https://youtu.be/uL3lzJ0WCIM
As seen in video you can use stair chairs to glitch out of areas and I shown that I can do it on others islands as well.

#62 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by Colden226 for Skyblock



I’d like to suggest the title “Blossom”. I think it’s a cool title and I’d buy it

#86 - Status: accepted - See reply

4 years ago by Zohiie for Global


Unkillable Dogs

Here is something that I'm sure all players want. When a player gets a cat and tames it, the cat is unkillable by other players. Thats not the same with dogs. I had four dogs and another player killed them. Can you make it so players can't kill other player's dogs?
Please it would mean a lot. (I lost 80k worth of dogs lol)

#87 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by ItsFrostOfficial for Global


Adding title

I wanted to suggest you that can you add a title of dota? I

Thank you

#94 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by Instaneous for Global


Asking about other servers on strongcraft

I wanted to know how much time will it take the strongcraft community to become big enough and host other servers because adding other servers like kitpvp would benefit the strongcraft server a lot :) so please answer to my question.

Thank you

#106 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by Instaneous for Global


add more stuff to chesthoppers and /shop

Can you guys add more stuff to chesthoppers? like coals and arrows from wither skeletons, brown and red shrooms which can be auto farmed, and eggs from chickens.
And in addition to suggestion #103, aside from roses, there are other mob drops that are not sellable or being auto collected by chesthoppers. eg: ghast tears; cow, chicken, pig, and rabbit drops; wither skeleton drops; snowballs; and .. See more

#107 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by CoolerMondi for Global


Alot again, Make sure to look at my previous suggestion and use it as a source as well.

!!! So currently the amount of power per player is only 15, this NEEDS to be increased. Smaller factions can not make larger bases increasing the power per player to at least 100 would increase not only competition but the sizes of many smaller faction's bases. There is a 20 chunk buffer limit but no one is going to be able to even get close to that with the way things currently ar.. See more

#126 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by uethor for Towny



Hi dear staffs!
I waa just exploring this server's lobby but then I realised that I can do nothing in the lobby, which is why I thought to suggest you guys that you should add collectables in the lobby, and the person who managed to collect them all, gets rewarded, this will help the server to get more players. Players will start spending times being online on the server, they will tell it .. See more

#151 - Status: shortlisted

4 years ago by Light_669 for Lobby


Drop party is terrible

We were all informed about a drop party. Much hype was being built. Then nothing it was over in a second and one person got 1 vote key. It is terrible and needs to be fixed asap.

#163 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by 999oli for Skyblock


Add new titles.

Hey its been boring using same title all day add these titles.
*RyanFan*.. See more

#169 - Status: accepted - See reply

4 years ago by Solryn for Global


Factions Improvement

Next Factions reset, make it so we can gen a bucket from y1 to y256. This will help to make bases with more ease

#176 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by DontBullyPlease for Global


Crate adjustments

I think you should make it to where it is possible to get KOTH armour and too sharp swords in vote crates for like a 5% chance of each. I am suggesting this because the CTA events are very hard to start as 15 people arent ever on the server at the same time really and when they are, they dont want to do a CTA event. This makes it very hard to get these items as it is very hard to get the crate k.. See more

#178 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by Player1603755019 for Global


Custom Ender Chests

I think that players should be able to buy or craft custom ender chests that acts like the crates in /warp crates. It would be really cool if players could use them on their islands to make lotteries or fun games players can spend money on to win cool stuff!

#187 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by KINGkorndog for Skyblock


Option to explicitly deny trust in subdivision or block inheritance from parent claim

The current version of GriefPrevention is not able to block trust inheritance from parent claim in subdivisions. Some players recommended `/untrust playername` or `/untrust all` inside de subdivision, but it simply doesn't work. Some versions/forks of the plugin (also for Sponge not Bukkit) have the command /inherit. It should be nice to look at this issue. I can help you if this will be app.. See more

#212 - Status: answered - See reply

3 years ago by ggondim for Survival


AFK in coal rank

I think you should add /afk in coal rank because its a rank and its paid so it would be great if u did it

#222 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by Yahya2098 for Global


Survival Reset

Survival is Been Boring U should Reset it and add New Items Or Update The Version
and u should add new warps
Thank you

#239 - Status: closed - See reply

3 years ago by GoluGamer for Survival


A different arena for cta

I'd suggest it would be more fun if theres a different warp for CTA events, bigger, better and with a variety of landscape to make the event more fun and good to play, the PvP arena just doesnt suit CTA, so a bigger area should be made :D

#280 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by sigmasigmaboi for Survival