Suggestions to make Factions more interesting

1. Reduce the size of overlworld to maybe like 6k x 6k or lower to make it easier to find and raid bases.
2. Lower /wild or /rtp time because of the same reasons.
3. Remove regen walls (make it possible to blow up lava), to help newer (and more experienced players) to raid bigger bases, which would make factions more competitive.
4. Give more power to players (100 per player?) to give smaller.. See more

#326 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 years ago by Dogesteri for Towny


factions reset

make factions reset once in 3 months or at least once in 5 months not once in 2 years and maybe then this server will gain more players

#317 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 years ago by SuddenImpact_ for Towny


Reset factions

Factions is getting reseted once in 8 months or something so please can you make factions reset every 3 months that will be great

#247 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by SuddenImpact_ for Towny


Igs store

i suggest to get the irongolems back to store cuz there is no way to get points on factions without igs or envoys that dont even spawn so it will be better to put them back there so people can buy them and make more points and money so they can buy over and over cuz with votekey u get 0% to get a key and envoys never spawn cuz there is no 15 people online

#242 - Status: closed - See reply

3 years ago by WhySoBanana for Towny


Spawner key's

I think that spawner key's should be added in the vote crate , seeing as there are almost never 15 players in faction to run a koth event and since legendary keys and iron golem spawners were removed from shop it is very hard to get spawners at the moment so adding spawner key's in the vote crate would be a good idea , you could even remove the spawners that are currently in the vote cra.. See more

#240 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by 4ndrw for Towny


Giving stuff for free

Wasent really me who got annoyed about this but i saw somebudy being really annoyed because bigger factions can just give away money for free for the lower factions like the #6 th faction (on the leaderbored) and the humans who actually try to get to top 5 are getting beaten by thes new humans and ther hard work is for nothing so i think ther should be a rule against that in factions

#233 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by vardins213 for Towny


Fix envoy

What if you staff do somethinh useful and make envoy can spawn if there is 10+ player because i have never seen 20player online.

#191 - Status: closed - See reply

3 years ago by SuddenImpact_ for Towny


/f top

I'm sure a lot of people have been wanting this, and it's to change /f top from most points to the most money. I think this would be way better because then people can't pass you by stealing your points, they can only pass you by getting more money themselves.

#159 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by GradyGrizz for Towny



Can you make it so that less players are needed to spawn envoy. I have never seen 20 players online at once in factions so it would be nice if it was 5-10 players.

#153 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by Blactose for Towny


cannoning server

a server/realm for cannon testing.

#138 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by NiqqaKong for Towny


Allow blocks to be placed on top of the nether on factions.

Im sure everyone has tried to get on top of the nether and you havent been able to get on top. There are plugins that dont allow u to get in boats near the top, or minecarts, or any other strategy you might think of. However, i think that if someone finds out a way to get on top they should be able to place blocks up there. Im assuming there is a plugin that doesnt allow you to place blocks up t.. See more

#133 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by MichOwnsSlaves for Towny


Armor/Tools Add to Faction Points

I've played many faction servers and most servers have armor add to faction points based on how good the armor is (Diamond, Enchanted). It wouldn't have to add too many points. It would also encourage players to store stuff in their faction base instead of making an unclaimed underground base. For tools, it could be only diamond tools or just swords. I think it would be another way to be.. See more

#130 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by Cryptontic for Towny


Alot again, Make sure to look at my previous suggestion and use it as a source as well.

!!! So currently the amount of power per player is only 15, this NEEDS to be increased. Smaller factions can not make larger bases increasing the power per player to at least 100 would increase not only competition but the sizes of many smaller faction's bases. There is a 20 chunk buffer limit but no one is going to be able to even get close to that with the way things currently ar.. See more

#126 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by uethor for Towny


Making the factions season shorter and Adding back eco f top <Removing the points system>

A long faction season that last for more than 7months with less than 8 players online on a server is not technically fun in the sense that there is no competition. This server is growing and if you want it to succeed successfully you might want to consider lessening the factions season from 7+ months to like 2 months. This will make it more competitive and will cause player's flames of playi.. See more

#112 - Status: answered - See reply

4 years ago by xoticOp for Towny


Making Diamond rank able to do /f se.

Adding Diamond rank able to use /f se in factions would make factions a better server. Factions rarely gets 5 players online and envoy starts when there are 20 people online. How is envoy soposed to start if not even 1/4 of players are even online. Making diamond rank or lower able to spawn envoy would be very interedting.

#88 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by xoticOp for Towny



Also it would be great if you could change the seed or use a plugin or something to make dungeons more common around the map as when you search for them they are literally as common as dungeons in survival. Which is basically nothing.


#83 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by Triviazz for Towny


Plugins and spawners.

In terms of plugins. This server need to be more like a factions server and less like the survival server. Otherwise there would be no reason to play on it. To track progress and see "the best" you use /baltop (just like survival). This is nothing to do with the team or "faction". instead I would recommend adding a /f top plugin. Also the Factions plugin isnt really good and they use commands .. See more

#82 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by Triviazz for Towny


New Item

I played a factions server that had a thing called "Annihilation Core". Basically it's a beacon and when you place it it removes all the blocks in the chunk. This would be a nice addition because then you wouldn't have mine and you would get space for your base faster. Of course it would cost a lot, but i don't think it should cost too much (i'm thinking of like $200.00).

#76 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by Dogesteri for Towny



Please add the ability to purchase spawners In factions only current spawners able be brought are pigs and iron golem and in my opinion there to expensive especially the pig. But most important part of this request is add the purchase of spawners. Thanks.

#35 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by Skylarks1 for Towny


Hostile mobs

It would be pretty sweet if there were more hostile mobs. I've been playing a lot recently and I've noticed that the spawn rate for mobs is pretty low. The owner may have a good reason for doing so, that I don't know. If this could happen. Sick. If not doesn't really change anything haha.


#7 - Status: closed - See reply

6 years ago by landon__allstar for Towny