
add a "mysteryman" title

#460 - Status: open

1 day ago by someone141695 for Global


Fix /tokenshop /soulshop /shardshop on Skyblock

Right now the tokenshop is empty on skyblock, therefore Spawners are not obtainable. With the low mob spawn mob drops are borderline impossible to obtain, breaking the whole skyblock experience.
I do not know what is in the other 2 shops, but they are also empty.

#459 - Status: open

1 day ago by xSpeeddemon for Skyblock


Rewarding reports

I suggest adding some sort of a reward system for reporting rule breakers, possibly some in-game items like keys or vouchers to encourage players to report those who violate a server rule.
Although I can see how this can be exploited by false reporting or baiting other players to break a rule, resulting in wasting staff's time, a solution to this would be to add some sort of punishment fo.. See more

#458 - Status: open

5 days ago by WDstranger for Global



Add a option in the /shop to buy cactus

#455 - Status: open

1 week ago by 6TD for Global


Mcmmo unarmed

Disable mcmmo unarmed... It is ridiculously op and we cannot get "iron grip" as mcmmo is capped at 250. Resulting in everyone being able to punch people and steal there items mid pvp.

#454 - Status: open

2 weeks ago by 6TD for Survival


The summer holidays are here!

The summer holidays are here! And what a great time for a reset? I know it was planned for last month but now is really the right time to reset the server due to it being the holidays... If the server resets any later, you will not be maximizing the potential player-base that you could achieve. In addition, players who play right now feel no need to grind ; new players more so. As we know , we s.. See more

#453 - Status: open

2 weeks ago by 6TD for Survival


New titles

A few titles I would most definitely buy would be:

#452 - Status: open

3 weeks ago by Danson1235 for Global


New title: Admiral

It would be awesome if this title would be added.

#451 - Status: open

4 weeks ago by Scandalists for Global


Command suggestion for discord

Add a command to view the people with the highest amount of counting & wordsgame points in the discord server

#450 - Status: open

1 month ago by SplashAni_ for Global


Bring Back Vote Parties

Currently there is vote parties in the gamemode creative but for some reason other gamemodes have this feature disabled and i think it could be good for the server if they were brought back.

#449 - Status: closed - See reply

1 month ago by Isaac_Fostwr for Global


tridents mcmmo faster leveling

can u make tridents mcmmo level up a bit faster?

#448 - Status: open

1 month ago by MihaiGaeming for Global


cross platform on mobile

i hope i can play it with mobile

#446 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 month ago by Wizzaxx for Global


Adding New Titles

Dear Staff,
I would like these titles being added to the store

Thank you for your appreciation!

#445 - Status: open

1 month ago by _InfamousHiru_ for Global


YouTube rank shown in discord

Can the YouTuber rank ingame be given to users in discord who have that rank?

#444 - Status: accepted - See reply

1 month ago by CommanderDataTV for Global


New titles

Alu/Aloo(Means potato in urdu/hindi)

#443 - Status: accepted - See reply

1 month ago by Aludryn for Global


Introduce a new tool

A tool which allows donors "/fix all" all the items in a Chest/Shulker/Barrel etc

#442 - Status: open

1 month ago by Aludryn for Global


Quartz Blocks

Can you please add quartz blocks to the shop in survival. That would be very helpful.

• Silverwatch

#441 - Status: open

1 month ago by CommanderDataTV for Global


Some kind of incentive to join the server daily.

Many features that are already in extreme craft could work in here as well like the battle-pass, but i feel that there should be some other forms of rewards to keep players coming back to strong craft.

•Daily Rewards for logging into survival(mainly or could expand to the others as well)

-Tokens would be a good daily reward, as it has more value than in-game money, new and old players co.. See more

#440 - Status: open

1 month ago by EdwardGaeming for Global


Increase mcmmo limit

Some people on the server has a mcmmo level higher the current limit on some skills. This is unfair to people that joined after the cap was implemented.

#439 - Status: open

1 month ago by SplashAni_ for Survival


demote ResopexTerror

bro banned me cause i disrespected his femboy friend AluxTerror for being trash. and my behaviour wasnt that inapp to get perm banned for it, people could just /ignore me and the highest punishment for me was a mute not a ban.

#438 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 month ago by spaghettiMiauw for Global


Remove the Anti tpkill system from system

Some people recently abuse the anti tpkill system, you can be a tpkiller yourself and /tpa to random ppl who are out of claim, then you can just kill them, if you fail and they kill you instead, you won't lose your items and you can just keep /tping to them to annoy them and they cant defeat of themselves as if you die you wont lose your items.
I also heard a rumor some people can duplica.. See more

#437 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 months ago by spaghettiMiauw for Global


Adding new legendary items

Adding legendary crossbows and tridents, plus high knockback items, could really spice up PvP on the server. High knockback items like a Knockback V Sword or Stick would make PvP more fun and creative. People can make their own new style of fighting

#435 - Status: shortlisted

2 months ago by Aludryn for Global


Adding a New Title

Could you please add a new Title named as "Steph-Curry" I'm a huge fan of basketball and he is my idol
Will be a great help if you could add it
Thank you

#434 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 months ago by _InfamousHiru_ for Survival


Server Reset

I think it would be good if the server got reset, because the server is kinda (very) dead right now and I'm almost very sure that if the server got reset the server would be alive again.

#433 - Status: closed - See reply

2 months ago by Scandalists for Global