cross platform on mobile

i hope i can play it with mobile

#446 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 month ago by Wizzaxx for Global


demote ResopexTerror

bro banned me cause i disrespected his femboy friend AluxTerror for being trash. and my behaviour wasnt that inapp to get perm banned for it, people could just /ignore me and the highest punishment for me was a mute not a ban.

#438 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 month ago by spaghettiMiauw for Global


Remove the Anti tpkill system from system

Some people recently abuse the anti tpkill system, you can be a tpkiller yourself and /tpa to random ppl who are out of claim, then you can just kill them, if you fail and they kill you instead, you won't lose your items and you can just keep /tping to them to annoy them and they cant defeat of themselves as if you die you wont lose your items.
I also heard a rumor some people can duplica.. See more

#437 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 months ago by spaghettiMiauw for Global


Adding a New Title

Could you please add a new Title named as "Steph-Curry" I'm a huge fan of basketball and he is my idol
Will be a great help if you could add it
Thank you

#434 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 months ago by _InfamousHiru_ for Survival


Better pvp

Allow placing blocks and other things in arena [like uhc] and set a reset timer. That would take pvp to a different level.
Best Regards,

#419 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 months ago by mobsking22 for Global



A full netherite MAX set should be added in the combat tools in shop so that it would be easy to get armour but it should be very expensive

#415 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 months ago by Bad_Boysss for Global


more dropped money

Hard to kill mobs should drop more money. for example wardens should drop 1k to 2k instead of just 50 which makes them worth killing too same with other mobs

#414 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 months ago by VOLTREX1122 for Global


Slime Fun

I mean we would all like some slimefun right?

#410 - Status: rejected - See reply

5 months ago by VOLTREX1122 for Global


Remove claim fees

I know that I'm making this suggestion right after the bugs got fixed but after the money got reset and the limit is also 250k so it's a bit unmanageable. I've see many people making the suggestions of making a limit or so when making a claim since they can't make their claim over ours but many of us have small-small claims over the world and paying a fees for every single one of.. See more

#402 - Status: rejected - See reply

6 months ago by VOLTREX1122 for Global


Old Claimed land

Dear StrongCraft Devs,

I was exploring my city / team surrondings and I stubbled across 2 Claimed land which are from wb and U26C. I wanted them to collab with our team and use their buildings to be part of our city, so I mailed them, but there were both offline and probaly left the server. So I thought about something: If someone has been for 5 month offline then send them a mail and wait fo.. See more

#398 - Status: rejected - See reply

6 months ago by Private_Justyn for Survival


veice cat

to speak well

#397 - Status: rejected - See reply

6 months ago by amir_ata for Survival


vote key

vote key It was good, please bring it

#396 - Status: rejected - See reply

6 months ago by amir_ata for Survival


New gamemode

Hello staff members
It's been 2 years that there wasn't any new game modes.
Game modes usually get replaced or just updated.
My suggestion is to add a new gamemode called :OPsurvival
OPsurvival shall have something new and different.
Things I like to be added to it:
Slimefun plugin
No more mcmmo
The amount of money to start with should be 2k
And there should be a cooldown of 1m.. See more

#393 - Status: rejected - See reply

11 months ago by Emad89 for Global


Remove Mcmmo Limits

Server should remove Mcmmo limits cuz ppl who already hv like 500 mcmmo on axes can few shots players and players cant even defend themselves so its a request to remove mcmmo limits or remove the whole things (i would prefer remove the limite).

#392 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 year ago by VOLTREX1122 for Global


Accept The High Votes Suggestions STAFF be active a little bit there are so many suggestions either reject them or accept them

The title say everything I just want to say WHY are u so inactive just accept many suggestions, on some suggestions there are more than 10 votes what the heck is going just reject or accept the suggestions.

#389 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 year ago by Hag_Sub for Global


Add SlimeFun Guide

Please add SlimeFun Guide to survival.

#388 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 year ago by strafedlmao for Survival




#385 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 year ago by _RottenPotato_ for Global


add a roleplay server

wouldnt it be fun to have a roleplay server

#384 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 year ago by _RottenPotato_ for Global



Ryan why!! just why this server is.. idki how to say!!! but its terrible im sorry but it really is!

#382 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 year ago by _RottenPotato_ for Global


Cull Spastic downvote bots on the website lmao

that is all.

#379 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 year ago by CreamOfMeatball for Global


/give [amount 1-10] point [bad] or [good]

its more like karma and this is how it work people now can give good or bad point to player if the player behave good they can give a point or they behaving bad they can get bad point at the end of the month make an award for the most nicest player with the most point add 5 player top 5 top 4 top 3 top 2 and top 1 the prize will be valuable maybe money egg spawner keys it also help people knowin.. See more

#376 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 year ago by _RottenPotato_ for Global


New Command: Mend

dear staff, you should add a command /mend it is a command that if you have mending on something, you can instantly mend that thing by taking the xp from your xp bar! because sometimes mending your armor with a mob grinder takes a while.

#370 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 year ago by Scandalists for Survival


Night and day.

I want the server to have a game rule that will allow only one player to sleep and turn the night into day without the whole server having to sleep. Because a lot of the players are afk most of the time

#361 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 year ago by Agent_87 for Global


Banner paterns

So I am here again with a Suggestion. I want to say that the banner paterns (the skull spesificly) look great in the inventory but when showing them to other players they look very bad and perhaps there are mods such as carpet mode who fix this issue I am hoping to see a plug in to fix this issue. Thank you.

#352 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 year ago by Agent_87 for Global