Increase Server Render Distance

Could we consider raising the default render distance on the server from 4 to either 6 or 8? While I'm aware that increasing the render distance may potentially impact TPS with a larger player count, our server generally sees mid to high teens during peak hours and low 20's at most. This suggests that the server may be able to handle an increase in render distance. Additionally, there ar.. See more

#372 - Status: closed - See reply

1 year ago by Colden226 for Global


Private signs,claims,teleports,tpkillers and chat behavior

After I changed my name,every chest with Private signs are locked from me.I think this should be fix that the one uses Private signs on chests still able to open the chests just like claims,chest shops.
-Change the way to make private signs from writing on the sign into write it with commands like chestshop,also able to change it(Give players permission to use the private block) with commands,n.. See more

#175 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by Emb3ry for Global


add a buy/sell 576 for the chestshop sign as well.


#114 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by C0lim0n for Global


Natural mobs spawn rate

Remove the limits on natural mobs spawning as it makes the purpose of getting money from natural mobs pointless.Either make it so spawner mobs give some money or inc the natural mobs spawn rate.I thought it was due to the render distance but after testing in single player mode, the spawn rates are tripled compared to sc.

#406 - Status: closed - See reply

1 year ago by EdwardGaeming for Global


Increase Price Of Cactus

The price of cactuss is 2$ please make it to 3 or 4 $$ it will help all players to make money 🤑 please take a look at my suggestion

#482 - Status: closed - See reply

5 months ago by NOT_NAGESH for Global


Master Card

I really don't use any of these payment methods and the last time I used Paypal my account got hacked so I really feel you should add Master Card since many people use it, thank you for your time

#140 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by KiIIerSkuII for Global


natural mob spawns

so there's currently a limit to mob spawns per chunk I suggest to make mob spawns back to normal so its f2p friendly if the players are used to normal survival and so its easier to grind there for its easier for new players

#306 - Status: closed - See reply

2 years ago by luctat1on_ for Global


Pwarp names should update with the account.

I've just changed account from premium to cracked. The pwarp was still named my old name, berken_k. When people tp'd to the pwarp using the command /pwarp v berken_k, it gave an error. Meaning, I had to replace the pwarps.

Not sure if this is a bug or not, but could be useful :)

#85 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by Meduxa for Global


Add /claim fly on survival

Some people might found out hard building stuffs in survival. And it's been a long time ago since /claim fly got removed. That kind of made some of us hard to build easily as it were in the past. So by adding the /claim fly command back, it would bring positivity to all the builders who at least fall from high buildings or falling as such into lava and more pros.

#135 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by HardestButGet for Global


Add xsolla as a payment method

Xsolla is good if they dont have paypal and its easier to use anyone can use it from any country with any card u dont need a paypal acc to use Xsolla. this is why u should ass xsolla as a payment method.

#369 - Status: closed - See reply

1 year ago by VoidFlames_ for Global


Bring Back Vote Parties

Currently there is vote parties in the gamemode creative but for some reason other gamemodes have this feature disabled and i think it could be good for the server if they were brought back.

#449 - Status: closed - See reply

7 months ago by Isaac_Fostwr for Global


Unkillable Dogs

Here is something that I'm sure all players want. When a player gets a cat and tames it, the cat is unkillable by other players. Thats not the same with dogs. I had four dogs and another player killed them. Can you make it so players can't kill other player's dogs?
Please it would mean a lot. (I lost 80k worth of dogs lol)

#87 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by ItsFrostOfficial for Global


Factions Improvement

Next Factions reset, make it so we can gen a bucket from y1 to y256. This will help to make bases with more ease

#176 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by DontBullyPlease for Global


Points for Players

Sometimes theres always bound to be players who don't like spending money online, and yet wants a rank, and some other stuff. thats me! I've wanted to buy something from the StrongCraft store for a while but don't like spending money online.
So i thought that people who have been online for a long time, say 6 months or a bit less, can get points. Players could get points depending .. See more

#93 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by xXDivisionZeroXx for Global



Dear Staffs!
I know that StrongCraft.org is a great Minecraft server, but there are few players who are bored because they are on the max rank on strongcraft.org but they want more ranks, so I wanted to tell you that you should make another rank that will be the most powerful rank and people will buy it. That's all I wanted to tell you guys.

I wish you will take a look into my suggestion.. See more

#150 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by Light_669 for Global


Bring back Chunk Ripper ):

There is no other way to clear a chunk except for mining since tnt has been disabled please bring it back 😔

#474 - Status: closed - See reply

5 months ago by SplashAni_ for Global



i was previously known as Piksou322 but now i changed my username: Piksoucube322
The server didn't Get my account back. Please help

#428 - Status: closed - See reply

9 months ago by Piksoucube322 for Global


Find a way to promoto the server for more player and fun

Server kinda fell off (No offense) I wish there was allat of people because imagine a lot chatting and easy making friends. But today barely people join and talk. It's like a singleplayer basically (Sometimes)

#472 - Status: closed - See reply

5 months ago by ArkonBK for Global


minor rule updates

Hi, not to say the rules need update themselves but it would be handy to have the limits of items posted somewhere. Nowhere i have seen hopper, pistion, mob, or spawner limit (might be missing some) on the website or ingame. One more thing is the tabs on the website are clear with just words makes it a little hard to see. I had to talk to mod who directed me where the tabs were as i just did.. See more

#28 - Status: closed - See reply

5 years ago by Sleepwalker420 for Global


Afk Kicktime Suggestion

So About 3 weeks ago, the afk kick time was changed for users that have iron rank and below so the users get kicked after 10 mins of being afk instead of 200 mins. This Is smart Because with the server growing it keeps lag down. But I think that the users with iron rank and above (the users that have /afk) I think that if they dont use the command /afk before they go afk, then they will have a 6.. See more

#33 - Status: closed - See reply

5 years ago by Colden226 for Global


update the version of the server

To The Owner
With Due respect
It is submitted that it is time to update the version of the Server from 1.8.9 to the latest version or If updating to the latest version is not possible then at least update the server to 1.16. People want new features in the server so I request you to update the server we can have many new features which can enhance of experience while playing In the server I c.. See more

#279 - Status: closed - See reply

3 years ago by Aludryn for Global