A whole list of creative suggestions

Yeeeees, it's me again with the creative suggestions. I'm starting to get annoying, I know, and that's why this is actually the last thing I will submit for creative suggestions I promise :P

Before I begin there are some things I want to mention:

1. I posted this again since no one replies to anything I post about creative honestly. This time I'll be patient though, I know .. See more

#8 - Status: closed - See reply

6 years ago by Andrej for Creative


unwanted people on your plot

I got onto creative to build a small scale model of a farm egirlbunny and I were getting ready to build for the survival server. After a few minute of working on it one of the tripwire/pistons activated. When I backed up and looked around I saw a player with the invisibility particles at my plot snooping around. I had not invited them to be there and I did not accept a tp request from anyone. Th.. See more

#11 - Status: closed - See reply

6 years ago by PapaCoopster for Creative