
Add a option in the /shop to buy cactus

#455 - Status: open

1 week ago by 6TD for Global


Mcmmo unarmed

Disable mcmmo unarmed... It is ridiculously op and we cannot get "iron grip" as mcmmo is capped at 250. Resulting in everyone being able to punch people and steal there items mid pvp.

#454 - Status: open

2 weeks ago by 6TD for Survival


Bring Back Vote Parties

Currently there is vote parties in the gamemode creative but for some reason other gamemodes have this feature disabled and i think it could be good for the server if they were brought back.

#449 - Status: closed - See reply

1 month ago by Isaac_Fostwr for Global


tridents mcmmo faster leveling

can u make tridents mcmmo level up a bit faster?

#448 - Status: open

1 month ago by MihaiGaeming for Global


Remove the Anti tpkill system from system

Some people recently abuse the anti tpkill system, you can be a tpkiller yourself and /tpa to random ppl who are out of claim, then you can just kill them, if you fail and they kill you instead, you won't lose your items and you can just keep /tping to them to annoy them and they cant defeat of themselves as if you die you wont lose your items.
I also heard a rumor some people can duplica.. See more

#437 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 months ago by spaghettiMiauw for Global



i was previously known as Piksou322 but now i changed my username: Piksoucube322
The server didn't Get my account back. Please help

#428 - Status: closed - See reply

3 months ago by Piksoucube322 for Global



I suggest that the "lost ground" function that gets you out of afk be removed
This is due to the fact that if you're afking in the wild, any player can basically remove the block underneath you to get you out of afk and kill you, which bypasses the afk protection making the feature useless

#427 - Status: open

3 months ago by DuckypexTerror for Global



A full netherite MAX set should be added in the combat tools in shop so that it would be easy to get armour but it should be very expensive

#415 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 months ago by Bad_Boysss for Global


Bring Villager Trading Halls Back

I, Agent_87 am the founder of V-kit. Now you might not all believe how effective it was if I had more time to continue it. That whole project runs off of Villager trade. But due to a new Anti-Lag mechanic I cannot do that now. I really want to see that change happen.

Talking about Lag the server is still as lag filled as it was before the trading halls. If Strong-Craft expects that by gettin.. See more

#411 - Status: open

5 months ago by Agent_87 for Global


Water dispenser bug?

I have noticed that sometimes dispensers when it dispenses, the water is misplaced or when it undispenses it doesnt drain out fully.Its mostly common when alot of dispensers are activated.

#407 - Status: open

5 months ago by EdwardGaeming for Global


Natural mobs spawn rate

Remove the limits on natural mobs spawning as it makes the purpose of getting money from natural mobs pointless.Either make it so spawner mobs give some money or inc the natural mobs spawn rate.I thought it was due to the render distance but after testing in single player mode, the spawn rates are tripled compared to sc.

#406 - Status: open

5 months ago by EdwardGaeming for Global


Server difficulty in survival

I have made a previous sugguestion similar to this about changing server diffculty to hard mode but right now the difficulty is at easy mode which doesnt allow villager zombification and raid evokers from spawning.

#404 - Status: accepted - See reply

5 months ago by EdwardGaeming for Global


Sleep percentage

set sleep percentage to 50% (or above) so we can skip nights easily.Most people are usually afk.

#403 - Status: open

6 months ago by EdwardGaeming for Global


Old Claimed land

Dear StrongCraft Devs,

I was exploring my city / team surrondings and I stubbled across 2 Claimed land which are from wb and U26C. I wanted them to collab with our team and use their buildings to be part of our city, so I mailed them, but there were both offline and probaly left the server. So I thought about something: If someone has been for 5 month offline then send them a mail and wait fo.. See more

#398 - Status: rejected - See reply

6 months ago by Private_Justyn for Survival


Remove Mcmmo Limits

Server should remove Mcmmo limits cuz ppl who already hv like 500 mcmmo on axes can few shots players and players cant even defend themselves so its a request to remove mcmmo limits or remove the whole things (i would prefer remove the limite).

#392 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 year ago by VOLTREX1122 for Global


ChestHopper item prices

In the automatic sales section of ChestHopper, we cannot find the selling price of some items because they are not available in the /shop. Please write the price, down of each item in the automatic sales section of Chest Hopper. This can help players a lot.

#390 - Status: open

1 year ago by strafedlmao for Survival


Add SlimeFun Guide

Please add SlimeFun Guide to survival.

#388 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 year ago by strafedlmao for Survival




#385 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 year ago by _RottenPotato_ for Global


Add MultiTook kit

Giving the current survival eco , most farms benefit more from a traditional chest collecting system than from a chest hopper , and it would be very useful to add the multitool kit to help with that as selling chests of items individually is a very tedious task!

#380 - Status: accepted - See reply

1 year ago by 4ndrw for Survival


Reset Mcmmo stats

We need to be able to reset out stats in mcmmo because this 1000 cap is goofy as hell and literally everyone hits it before they realize what they've done. I assume it would be fairly easy to handle this on a case by case basis through tickets on this site or on discord, and an admin could manually edit a person's stats

#374 - Status: open

1 year ago by CreamOfMeatball for Global


Add tripwire hooks to shop

They are annoying to craft. that is all.

#373 - Status: open

1 year ago by CreamOfMeatball for Global


Increase Server Render Distance

Could we consider raising the default render distance on the server from 4 to either 6 or 8? While I'm aware that increasing the render distance may potentially impact TPS with a larger player count, our server generally sees mid to high teens during peak hours and low 20's at most. This suggests that the server may be able to handle an increase in render distance. Additionally, there ar.. See more

#372 - Status: open

1 year ago by Colden226 for Global


Add xsolla as a payment method

Xsolla is good if they dont have paypal and its easier to use anyone can use it from any country with any card u dont need a paypal acc to use Xsolla. this is why u should ass xsolla as a payment method.

#369 - Status: closed - See reply

1 year ago by VoidFlameZ for Global



Allow wither to break blocks just like old times.

#365 - Status: open

1 year ago by BingOp for Skyblock


Mob Griefing

Make options to disable creeper explosions. Can be really deadly when afking.
Enderman stealing my blocks and placing them on place that blocks the water flow.. Allow us to disable enderman griefing..

#364 - Status: accepted - See reply

1 year ago by BingOp for Skyblock