
Add a scoareboard like in skyblock on survival , with the option to turn it off in /sett , so that people can more easily see their balance and other useful infor mation for example coordinates

#381 - Status: closed - See reply

1 year ago by 4ndrw for Survival


Add MultiTook kit

Giving the current survival eco , most farms benefit more from a traditional chest collecting system than from a chest hopper , and it would be very useful to add the multitool kit to help with that as selling chests of items individually is a very tedious task!

#380 - Status: accepted - See reply

1 year ago by 4ndrw for Survival


Cull Spastic downvote bots on the website lmao

that is all.

#379 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 year ago by CreamOfMeatball for Global


/plot setting

/plot biome :change your plot biome into snowy swamp any biome
/plot weather : change the weather to thunder snow rain or sunny day

#378 - Status: open

1 year ago by _RottenPotato_ for Creative


/give [amount 1-10] point [bad] or [good]

its more like karma and this is how it work people now can give good or bad point to player if the player behave good they can give a point or they behaving bad they can get bad point at the end of the month make an award for the most nicest player with the most point add 5 player top 5 top 4 top 3 top 2 and top 1 the prize will be valuable maybe money egg spawner keys it also help people knowin.. See more

#376 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 year ago by _RottenPotato_ for Global


/claim setting

maybe make a claim setting perfect for people who have coal+ rank maybe add remove hostile in the setting or you can add beacon effect by buying it in the setting maybe 1m it would be very helpful or night vision yea put that in ./claim setting i really recommend the remove hostile mob they are so annoying.

#375 - Status: closed - See reply

1 year ago by _RottenPotato_ for Global


Reset Mcmmo stats

We need to be able to reset out stats in mcmmo because this 1000 cap is goofy as hell and literally everyone hits it before they realize what they've done. I assume it would be fairly easy to handle this on a case by case basis through tickets on this site or on discord, and an admin could manually edit a person's stats

#374 - Status: open

1 year ago by CreamOfMeatball for Global


Add tripwire hooks to shop

They are annoying to craft. that is all.

#373 - Status: open

1 year ago by CreamOfMeatball for Global


Increase Server Render Distance

Could we consider raising the default render distance on the server from 4 to either 6 or 8? While I'm aware that increasing the render distance may potentially impact TPS with a larger player count, our server generally sees mid to high teens during peak hours and low 20's at most. This suggests that the server may be able to handle an increase in render distance. Additionally, there ar.. See more

#372 - Status: open

1 year ago by Colden226 for Global


New Command: Mend

dear staff, you should add a command /mend it is a command that if you have mending on something, you can instantly mend that thing by taking the xp from your xp bar! because sometimes mending your armor with a mob grinder takes a while.

#370 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 year ago by Scandalists for Survival


Add xsolla as a payment method

Xsolla is good if they dont have paypal and its easier to use anyone can use it from any country with any card u dont need a paypal acc to use Xsolla. this is why u should ass xsolla as a payment method.

#369 - Status: closed - See reply

1 year ago by VoidFlameZ for Global


Banner Paterns part 2

As you see there's a mod called the carpet mod it fixs many problem with the minecraft textures. like when you craft a skull charge banner patern it looks great when you place the banner down or see it in the inventory. but looks awfull when applied to a shield. it doesn't look same. It looks detailed when in the inventory but looks low detail when applied to a shield.

#368 - Status: open

1 year ago by Agent_87 for Global


Remove phantoms

Phantoms are annoying and they are removed on most survival servers with a lot of player,there is no need to keep them here either because Phantom membranes are in the shop.Nobody sleeps on the server because there is always someone who's afk.

#367 - Status: closed - See reply

1 year ago by tosa29 for Survival


mob hunt event keys

please make getting mob hunt event keys like this : 1st place-3 keys
2nd place-2 keys
3rd place-1 key
its random now like it doesnt matter even if u get 1st place you can get less keys than 3rd place or less than 2nd place

#366 - Status: open

1 year ago by SuddenImpact_ for Survival



Allow wither to break blocks just like old times.

#365 - Status: open

1 year ago by BingOp for Skyblock


Mob Griefing

Make options to disable creeper explosions. Can be really deadly when afking.
Enderman stealing my blocks and placing them on place that blocks the water flow.. Allow us to disable enderman griefing..

#364 - Status: accepted - See reply

1 year ago by BingOp for Skyblock



We can hardly sell anything. There are too less items on shop that we could sell. Maybe let us sell more items like diamond/emerald/iron/gold/redstone/lapis/coal and many more.. Also the dynamic shop isn't gonna work if no one is gonna buy that item. Example if no one buys cobblestone it will be forever 0.10 on both sell/buy. Just make the shop all at fixed price. We need a fixed shop so eve.. See more

#363 - Status: closed - See reply

1 year ago by BingOp for Skyblock


1.8.9 Worlddownload

Is there a 1.8.9 survival worlddownload and if there is will it be released?

#362 - Status: closed - See reply

1 year ago by tosa29 for Survival


Night and day.

I want the server to have a game rule that will allow only one player to sleep and turn the night into day without the whole server having to sleep. Because a lot of the players are afk most of the time

#361 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 year ago by Agent_87 for Global


/Shop Dynamic Nerf-ing

as we've all experienced by now, each time you sell a loot, the price of the loot will drop slightly, this affects your farms and whatnot in grinding, but with the minimum sell cap for loot set at the lowest point of 0.01$ selling 100 cac to get a dollar or selling 100 iron from IG farms to get a dollar is not what anyone wants. So here's my suggestion. how about introducing a mechanism .. See more

#360 - Status: open

1 year ago by C0lim0n for Skyblock



So, in new season of strongcraft there are no tokenshops. And event are the only way to get keys which is not possible for all players and also many players miss vote party due to timezone difference ... so I guess tokenshop was a very good feature and I qould suggest to add it again
Thanks <3

#359 - Status: accepted - See reply

1 year ago by mobsking22 for Global


Survival difficulty

Currently the survival server's difficulty is set to easy mode, which makes curing villager and raid farms(because evokers spawn in 5th wave and in easy mode it only has 3) impossible/unsable.I would suggest changing it to hard or atleast normal.

#358 - Status: accepted - See reply

1 year ago by EdwardGaeming for Global


Please add this word to the censored words (asap plz)

please add the word "hoiny" to the censored words, its considered as 'ce' in the server while its a cute way to say the word 'horny', like saying "sowy" instead of "sorry", thank you ❤️

#357 - Status: open

1 year ago by AkrameAkay for Global


Banner paterns

So I am here again with a Suggestion. I want to say that the banner paterns (the skull spesificly) look great in the inventory but when showing them to other players they look very bad and perhaps there are mods such as carpet mode who fix this issue I am hoping to see a plug in to fix this issue. Thank you.

#352 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 year ago by Agent_87 for Global


Villager trades

I want to make a suggestion abut Villagers. I want the armorer to have the trade of shield in the game if its possibal. Thank you thats all I have to say.

#351 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 year ago by Agent_87 for Global