Increase Server Render Distance

Could we consider raising the default render distance on the server from 4 to either 6 or 8? While I'm aware that increasing the render distance may potentially impact TPS with a larger player count, our server generally sees mid to high teens during peak hours and low 20's at most. This suggests that the server may be able to handle an increase in render distance. Additionally, there ar.. See more

#372 - Status: open

1 year ago by Colden226 for Global

ChestShop Buy And Sell x576 Option.

When you do /shop and you click on an item, It gives you the option to buy or sell the item for x1, x32, x64, and x576. I was wondering if it would be possible to add the buy and sell x576 option to chestshop signs.
Current /Shop Menu:
Current ChestShop Menu:
(Suggestion) Changed ChestShop Menu: , ht.. See more

#311 - Status: open

2 years ago by Colden226 for Survival

Discord/ NitroBoosters

Currently when players are boosting the Discord server they receive x2 vote rewards. Well, I think when a player boost the Discord server, it announces it on the Minecraft Server saying "<Player> Just Boosted The Discord Server." And the player would receive a hot pink title "NitroBooster" for the length that they are boosting the server. And if a player stops boosting the Discord server .. See more

#108 - Status: accepted

4 years ago by Colden226 for Global

Heads in /Shop

Premium Head shop for Ranked members Kinda like the Head Database Plugin Its accessed in the premium section in the /shop, And it has a Selection of heads of players from the server as well as Letter/text heads and different kinds and variety of heads.

#64 - Status: rejected

4 years ago by Colden226 for Global

Stair Chairs Island Setting

Have a setting in the island settings to allow/disallow Stair chairs. Reason: Can be used to block glitch out of areas. Video:
As seen in video you can use stair chairs to glitch out of areas and I shown that I can do it on others islands as well.

#62 - Status: closed

4 years ago by Colden226 for Skyblock

A Hall Of Fame.

The New Spawn For Creative Should have a Hall Of Fame, With a list of signs of really cool build done on the creative server. And you click on a sign and it teleports you to that plot id.

#52 - Status: rejected

4 years ago by Colden226 for Creative

Mini Dragon Pet

Add A Mini EnderDragon pet that you can ride.
PLz c:

#51 - Status: closed

4 years ago by Colden226 for Global

Improvement to ChestHoppers

A improvment to ChestHoppers allowing them to Accept items from Regular hoppers And be able to condense items/auto sell when fed with regular hopper.

So currently When A item is fed into a ChestHopper using a hopper, There is no change to it. But If you have the item feeding the ChestHopper chosen to Condense or to sell it does nothing.
Ex: I have the condense upgra.. See more

#50 - Status: rejected

4 years ago by Colden226 for Global

Afk Kicktime Suggestion

So About 3 weeks ago, the afk kick time was changed for users that have iron rank and below so the users get kicked after 10 mins of being afk instead of 200 mins. This Is smart Because with the server growing it keeps lag down. But I think that the users with iron rank and above (the users that have /afk) I think that if they dont use the command /afk before they go afk, then they will have a 6.. See more

#33 - Status: closed

4 years ago by Colden226 for Global