Making Job portal

Making a job portal or a building where people can put there things which they want to be done and are read to pay for that. They can mention the time ( like till when that thing is to be done) and amount for that job. If another player agrees to work that for amount they select that job and that job won't be taken by anyone else. Player will pay the player that helped him and if pay cut is .. See more

#583 - Status: open

1 week ago by Nivalor for Global


Improve boss crates loot

Make the bosshunter bow have power 7, add bosshunter pickaxe and shovel both with efficiency 7 and make the bosshunter axe have sharpness 7

#580 - Status: open

2 weeks ago by _SCraft_ for Global


New Titles

Hey I would love if the following titles are added.

#579 - Status: open

2 weeks ago by TheMightyBeast for Global


New titles :D

D1BossHunter (and or just BossHunter)
1kPing / 2MuchPing

#578 - Status: open

2 weeks ago by danioux for Global


Issues with non-ranks and the nighttime.

I myself, am emerald, so this isn't an issue about light for me, but more about mobs. However, some unranked players, or people that don't have /ptime, the night can be an issue. Installing a program that onlyrequires like half of a server to need to sleep to pass the night. This could be so beneficial for everyone. Mob counts would drop, as they just become annoying, especially when bui.. See more

#575 - Status: open

4 weeks ago by danioux for Global


Suggestion for netherite rank perks

/potioneffect <strength/invisibility/haste> and its duration to be 3 mins with 3 mins cooldown and not available in combat tag or either /warp pvp or /warp bossfight
/bottom (which is the opposite to /top)
/anvil (portable anvil)
reduced /fix all cooldown with one minute
3 days cooldown for /kit netherite and 2 days for /kit diamond
/jump cooldown reduced to 3 sec
/nightvision for i.. See more

#573 - Status: open

4 weeks ago by _SCraft_ for Global


Add crossbows to the legendary crate

The title tells it all

#572 - Status: open

1 month ago by _SCraft_ for Global


Netherite rank

For each rank, make stuff in /shop cheaper such as 1% cheaper for coal and 10% for netherite.
Make money drops from mobs increased for ranks.
Make token and bp points gain from quests and achievements higher each rank.

#571 - Status: open

1 month ago by TheMockSlimShady for Global


Netherite Rank

In all ranks, give the player money everyday, such as 5k per day for coal, etc, and maybe like 100k or 200k a day for netherite rank players.
Give each rank bonus stats such as defense and damage, such as +1dmg and defense for coal and like +6 for netherite rank.
Also, players with ranks should not be taxes for /ah selling and for lottery.

#570 - Status: open

1 month ago by TheMockSlimShady for Global


Make the economy equal with extreme craft

I would like if this change could be applied as strongcraft and extremecraft are brother servers and it would be a fair change for both to be the same in economy. I'd also like if spawners could get added in shardshop for 150k each if thats possible. Thanks for your attention!

By Aloofparagon163

#569 - Status: open

1 month ago by _SCraft_ for Global


Big mcmmo change!

I would like to suggest that mcmmo needs some actual balances and i would like to include:
-changed level cap on some mcmmos:
fishing 500 (also make it level up faster since its almost impossible to grind)
axes 500
swords 750
repair 1000
maces 500 (its useless anyway)
tridents 750
herbalism 1000
mining 1000
archery 500
acrobatics 500
excavations 1000
crossbows 750
taming 500
unarm.. See more

#567 - Status: open

1 month ago by _SCraft_ for Global


Skygrid Worlds

Please add Skygrid World and Skygrid World The End as it gave me many resources.
I also asked players and they wanted it.

#565 - Status: open

1 month ago by Ekansh_XDC for Global


Creative heads.

Well, everytime i put an head on my inventory, It just dissapears. please fix this bug because it is very annoying and i cant put heads anywhere because of that. Ty

With Love: ElisaLuna ❤️

#564 - Status: open

1 month ago by ElisaLuna for Global


Selling/Collecting effect arrows

So both the Stray and bogged drop effect arrows and not being able to collect them through Spawn killer chest nor sell them in shop kinda hits hard.

#561 - Status: open

1 month ago by LupusLotus for Global


MORE titles :3

I would like those titles that represent my cats names and other titles :3
Coqui ( one of my cats )
Mercury ( one of my cats )
Lugoci ( one of my cats )
Artemis ( the last one of my cats )
And also those xd
------- that would be so cool. Ty if you add any of those titles!

#546 - Status: open

2 months ago by ElisaLuna for Global


Making skulk items ( catalyst, Shriekers etc) sellable in shop.

As they are farmable, it would be nice it was a point to farm them. Any price would do well.

#543 - Status: open

2 months ago by EdwardGaeming for Global


Chest Hop upgrades

my suggestion is to have a are u sure button that popes up before u buy upgrades because we have all accidentally bought unneeded upgrades because of this not being here. So you should please add this

#530 - Status: open

2 months ago by _PAYMENT_ for Global



in pvp arena we are not allowed to use splash postions so disable bottle of exp use in arena because it is high in price in /shop bc some people got it like 5or 10shulkers but then it's tprice goes like 6k each bottle and some players use in arena to repair their armor but the players who have /fix can't use /fix in combat mode and sometimes they can't afford bottle of exp so remove .. See more

#517 - Status: open

4 months ago by crazykitty180 for Global


Netherite perk suggestion

Make Warden pet and make it an exclusive pet u get with netherite rank when it comes out, this would backup the value of the rank even more

Also for netherite rank make it double souls drop and double or triple shards drop, also maybe double battlepass points? U see what fits this is just a suggestion from my pov afterall

Also u might consider:
Remove /jump cooldown
Add /bottom command
.. See more

#515 - Status: open

4 months ago by AkrameAkay for Global



Hello there. I would like to give a suggestion regarding souls. Since the time it was introduced in server it has been very tough to get them and we need souls for spawners too which each upgrade costs 1000 souls and that takes hours to get. So to solve this issue, could you please increase the amount of soul we get from hitting each mob like magma or slime , or can you introduce something new w.. See more

#507 - Status: open

4 months ago by TheMightyBeast for Global


Rank netherite

So , I think netherite rank should be great , so I tought abt some features for it
/pv 5
Less /fix all cooldown
/upgrade friend limit (why not)
/kit neth
U should also add a auto sell item filter , like we’re mining , we set some blocks to auto sell when they get on our inventory

#485 - Status: open

5 months ago by CanYouRightClick for Global


Command suggestion for discord

Add a command to view the people with the highest amount of counting & wordsgame points in the discord server

#450 - Status: open

8 months ago by SplashAni_ for Global


Introduce a new tool

A tool which allows donors "/fix all" all the items in a Chest/Shulker/Barrel etc

#442 - Status: open

8 months ago by Aludryn for Global



I suggest that the "lost ground" function that gets you out of afk be removed
This is due to the fact that if you're afking in the wild, any player can basically remove the block underneath you to get you out of afk and kill you, which bypasses the afk protection making the feature useless

#427 - Status: open

10 months ago by sigmasigmaboi for Global


A command to store an item into your personal vault (pv) instantly

Like /pv store, it will automatically store an item(s) you are holding and puts it into an empty slot in any one of your peronal vault(s).It wil be a good QOL command

#426 - Status: open

10 months ago by EdwardGaeming for Global