
I’d like to suggest the title “Blossom”. I think it’s a cool title and I’d buy it

#86 - Status: accepted - See reply

4 years ago by _TwoPro_ for Global


Pwarp names should update with the account.

I've just changed account from premium to cracked. The pwarp was still named my old name, berken_k. When people tp'd to the pwarp using the command /pwarp v berken_k, it gave an error. Meaning, I had to replace the pwarps.

Not sure if this is a bug or not, but could be useful :)

#85 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by Meduxa for Global


/sky to go to skyblock server


#84 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by CoolerMondi for Skyblock



Also it would be great if you could change the seed or use a plugin or something to make dungeons more common around the map as when you search for them they are literally as common as dungeons in survival. Which is basically nothing.


#83 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by Triviazz for Towny


Plugins and spawners.

In terms of plugins. This server need to be more like a factions server and less like the survival server. Otherwise there would be no reason to play on it. To track progress and see "the best" you use /baltop (just like survival). This is nothing to do with the team or "faction". instead I would recommend adding a /f top plugin. Also the Factions plugin isnt really good and they use commands .. See more

#82 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by Triviazz for Towny


New titles

I saw some titles on the store like Canada, Canadian, and more like this...
I suggest adding Morocco and Moroccan, and thank you :)

#81 - Status: accepted - See reply

4 years ago by Torry42 for Global


Resource World

Most of the Strongcraft world has been looted, dessert temples, nether fortresses etc. Because of this, Strongcraft should implement a resource world that is often updated to allow players to explore and get resources easily. Thank you.

#80 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by SofiLopi for Global


Resource World

Most of the Strongcraft world has been looted, dessert temples, nether fortresses etc. Because of this, Strongcraft should implement a resource world that is often updated to allow players to explore and get resources easily. Thank you.

#79 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by SofiLopi for Global


/claim fly

Please add claim fly back its really helpful when building things in survival :(( pls

#77 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by BlankFaceTae for Survival


New Item

I played a factions server that had a thing called "Annihilation Core". Basically it's a beacon and when you place it it removes all the blocks in the chunk. This would be a nice addition because then you wouldn't have mine and you would get space for your base faster. Of course it would cost a lot, but i don't think it should cost too much (i'm thinking of like $200.00).

#76 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by Dogesteri for Towny


Add charcoal (or torches) to shop (sell option)

Adding charcoal to the shop for selling opens up a whole new method of making money. Creating tree farms and burning logs down to charcoal. Planting, chopping, and burning trees is more fun than harvesting netherwart endlessly imo. Also an option to add torches to the shop for another crafting step required. It makes money through saplings too.

#75 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by howimineforfish for Skyblock



Ik Ik it's a bit long, but bare with me, it will allow for a way better Factions game mode

Point System 'PS'
-I have seen a lot of comments in game chat about how it "doesn't make sense" "makes the game boring"
-Personally I believe that the PS would make a lot more sense as its own game mode rather than forcing people who came to play factions to play with it
.. See more

#74 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by uethor for Global


Misk Perk suggestion

Add the ability to purchase playerwarp seperatly from the rank in the misc perk section in the /store.

#73 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by AkrameAkay for Global


Homes in Survival

Hey staff members! Wee need more homes! Can you make a hom 3 as well as 1 and 2?
Please it would mean a lot.

#72 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by ItsFrostOfficial for Global


Lifting the ban of Capital letters

Dear Mods and Admins,
I think it will be an improvement to the server if the ban of caps is lifted. With caps, it offers more expression, emotion and excitement to the daily mundane english language. I also feel that with the ban due to caps it has not benefited the server. People are getting banned unnecessarily over something miniscule that is not hurting others.

#71 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by Bellabo for Global



If you reset a amemode like skyblock, at least let that people get all the money that have before the reset.

#70 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by microbati for Skyblock


A discord music bot

The players enjoy playing and talking to each other so Adding a music comand or a bot would realy be a boost for them!

#69 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by Ms_PinkyPromiss for Global



Can you add pay checks into the game? Say for an example, different paychecks or larger amounts for different ranks. For example, normal members can get $10.000 every day, or something like that. And the people with rank of diamond, for example, can get $100,000 every day. So how about it?

#68 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by ItsFrostOfficial for Global


AFK Commands

Hey staff members, can you make it so normal unranked members can use the /afk command please?

#66 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by ItzThomasGuy for Global


Money Paychecks

Hey Stalff members, can you add Money Paychecks to all gamemodes? That is something I'm sure all members will like.
That includes me too 😉

#65 - Status: answered - See reply

4 years ago by ItzThomasGuy for Global


Heads in /Shop

Premium Head shop for Ranked members Kinda like the Head Database Plugin Its accessed in the premium section in the /shop, And it has a Selection of heads of players from the server as well as Letter/text heads and different kinds and variety of heads.

#64 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by Colden226 for Global



Hello , can you please add TNT to the shop in /survival ?
We can craft TNT with sand and gunpowder that we can buy from /shop but we can't buy TNT, and I and other people need to use it to clear out some spaces , so we can make cactus layers or other buildings.


#63 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by gorgon100 for Global


Stair Chairs Island Setting

Have a setting in the island settings to allow/disallow Stair chairs. Reason: Can be used to block glitch out of areas. Video: https://youtu.be/uL3lzJ0WCIM
As seen in video you can use stair chairs to glitch out of areas and I shown that I can do it on others islands as well.

#62 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by Colden226 for Skyblock


TPs for shops

StrongCraft Survival, /pwarps
I just built a shop that sells enchanted books, and I wanted to make a spawn for it, and I can't. I think its pretty unfair that plain members can't create spawn points. Maybe make something that normal members can use eh? How about it?

#61 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by SirKnightThomas for Global


Selling in Survival

In the survival lobby, where you can go to the villagers to sell, fix, is not in the /warp. I would sugest putting it in the /warp because it would save time, and easier and simpler for new players.

#58 - Status: accepted - See reply

4 years ago by SirKnightThomas for Global