Bring Villager Trading Halls Back

I, Agent_87 am the founder of V-kit. Now you might not all believe how effective it was if I had more time to continue it. That whole project runs off of Villager trade. But due to a new Anti-Lag mechanic I cannot do that now. I really want to see that change happen.

Talking about Lag the server is still as lag filled as it was before the trading halls. If Strong-Craft expects that by gettin.. See more

#411 - Status: open

6 months ago by Agent_87 for Global

Banner Paterns part 2

As you see there's a mod called the carpet mod it fixs many problem with the minecraft textures. like when you craft a skull charge banner patern it looks great when you place the banner down or see it in the inventory. but looks awfull when applied to a shield. it doesn't look same. It looks detailed when in the inventory but looks low detail when applied to a shield.

#368 - Status: open

1 year ago by Agent_87 for Global

Night and day.

I want the server to have a game rule that will allow only one player to sleep and turn the night into day without the whole server having to sleep. Because a lot of the players are afk most of the time

#361 - Status: rejected

1 year ago by Agent_87 for Global

Banner paterns

So I am here again with a Suggestion. I want to say that the banner paterns (the skull spesificly) look great in the inventory but when showing them to other players they look very bad and perhaps there are mods such as carpet mode who fix this issue I am hoping to see a plug in to fix this issue. Thank you.

#352 - Status: rejected

1 year ago by Agent_87 for Global

Villager trades

I want to make a suggestion abut Villagers. I want the armorer to have the trade of shield in the game if its possibal. Thank you thats all I have to say.

#351 - Status: rejected

1 year ago by Agent_87 for Global