Friends Plugin

Posted by NxDs4 years ago
It's been a while since the last update and we're back :relieved:

We just added our new fancy Friends plugin that will let you manage your friends in game.
You can add, remove, manage best friends, see where they're playing, see the last time they joined and see if they're online or not.

Everything nicely handled by an intuitive menu that you can open with /f (or /fr if you're on factions)

Friends menu

If menus are not your thing you can also handle everything through commands with /fr help you can get the list of available commands

Friends menu

The friends limit is 50, each rank grants you 25 extra slots.
Stay tuned because we will be releasing more features in the next few days :ok_hand:

New Hub & BuildBattle

Posted by NxDs4 years ago

New Hub

Double announcement today, we're proudly presenting you a whole new hub :smile:


Be nice and show our builders some appreciation

BuildBattle Winners

It's been two weeks and we got several participants, some good, some not much but in the end only 3 plots could win so here they are:

1st - NightlyRaven (-28;31) - 80€ Coupon
2nd - Darkascention (4;60) - 40€ Coupon
3rd - Tali_fighter (1;5) - 20€ Coupon

Here's a preview of the top 1:


Congratulations to all the winners :ok_hand:

To everyone else... Better luck next time

First Build Battle

Posted by NxDs4 years ago

We're proud to announce our first Build Battle event!

Build Battles are a type of competition in which players will try to build something on their creative plots, after 2 weeks our builders will judge the participants who will receive a reward.


  1. Get a plot on Creative (important: you can't use merged plots)
  2. Build alone or with friends
  3. Once you're done do /bb participate while standing on the plot

You have 2 weeks starting from now to submit.


These are the prizes you will receive if you win:

1st - 40€ Coupon
2nd - 20€ Coupon
3rd - 10€ Coupon

Yes, if you win you can gift your coupon to someone else.


The theme can be anything you like as long as it includes a village

Factions reset!

Posted by Dieu4 years ago

It's finally here! Factions reset.

Top factions (previous season):
- CECE (Leader: Reqro) $288,377,424.64
- Karma (Leader: SweetChildOMine) $169,045,960.75
- SorryWeebs (Leader: JX6JH) $67,400,165.90
- CoupleGoals (Leader: Skarrby) $24,606,636.18
- Eternity (Leader: LemonClorox) $18,142,919.14

Faction leaders can find their vouchers in "Your vouchers" section on new website ;)

With Factions reset we will be adding many new features including resource pets, /f fly, chesthoppers and more - be sure to check it out!

New website

Posted by Dieu4 years ago

As promised, new website is finally here!

Here I would also like to announce the upcoming factions reset. Leaders of top 5 factions on /f top will be rewarded with Vouchers, so get your balances in order.

With Factions reset we will also be adding many new features ;) depending on builders, Factions server is scheduled for reset on next Monday!