ChestHopper item prices

In the automatic sales section of ChestHopper, we cannot find the selling price of some items because they are not available in the /shop. Please write the price, down of each item in the automatic sales section of Chest Hopper. This can help players a lot.

#390 - Status: open

11 months ago by strafedlmao for Survival


ChestShop Buy And Sell x576 Option.

When you do /shop and you click on an item, It gives you the option to buy or sell the item for x1, x32, x64, and x576. I was wondering if it would be possible to add the buy and sell x576 option to chestshop signs.
Current /Shop Menu: https://imgur.com/a/aLmhKET
Current ChestShop Menu: https://imgur.com/a/9O1gq2e
(Suggestion) Changed ChestShop Menu: https://imgur.com/a/NDdcwXv , ht.. See more

#311 - Status: open

2 years ago by Colden226 for Survival