Giving stuff for free

Wasent really me who got annoyed about this but i saw somebudy being really annoyed because bigger factions can just give away money for free for the lower factions like the #6 th faction (on the leaderbored) and the humans who actually try to get to top 5 are getting beaten by thes new humans and ther hard work is for nothing so i think ther should be a rule against that in factions

#233 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by vardins213 for Towny


/f top

I'm sure a lot of people have been wanting this, and it's to change /f top from most points to the most money. I think this would be way better because then people can't pass you by stealing your points, they can only pass you by getting more money themselves.

#159 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by GradyGrizz for Towny