Command suggestion for discord

Add a command to view the people with the highest amount of counting & wordsgame points in the discord server

#450 - Status: open

1 month ago by SplashAni_ for Global

Increase mcmmo limit

Some people on the server has a mcmmo level higher the current limit on some skills. This is unfair to people that joined after the cap was implemented.

#439 - Status: open

1 month ago by SplashAni_ for Survival

Add /marry to all gamemodes.

Adding /marry make the sever more fun please add thank you.

#312 - Status: rejected

2 years ago by SplashAni_ for Global

Add claim banning

Adding claim banning would allow players to be banned from claims and not allowing them to enter it.
-There can be a cooldown for how long a player must be banned for
-It is super useful if you dont want players entering ur claim

#275 - Status: closed

2 years ago by SplashAni_ for Survival