desti owner


(this is just a joke dont take it personally)
hope it happens tho :)

#323 - Status: rejected

2 years ago by luctat1on_ for Global

nether claim

add claiming in nether back so when you make a wither skeleton farm it does not get destroyed

#318 - Status: rejected

2 years ago by luctat1on_ for Survival

natural mob spawns

so there's currently a limit to mob spawns per chunk I suggest to make mob spawns back to normal so its f2p friendly if the players are used to normal survival and so its easier to grind there for its easier for new players

#306 - Status: closed

2 years ago by luctat1on_ for Global

Second chance

When a player is banned they can't play again unless they're ban appeal gets accepted but my suggestion is when someone is banned for the first time they need to mine 50 blocks and 2nd ban is 100 blocks 3rd ban is 1,000 blocks 4th ban is 10,000 blocks and so on but when someone gets to mine 1mil blocks they get banned permanently until they're ban appeal is accepted

#277 - Status: rejected

2 years ago by luctat1on_ for Global

New modes, updates and kits

The survival mode is kinda getting boring and it should get a reset going from 1.8 to 1.16 for more nether improvements and for netherite a kit called netherite kit that should be 650k and new enchants in 1.16 and mobs and also new spawn eggs, spawners and if it goes well the server will have more players and add modes like bedwars, skywars, anarchy, ect.. and so the server will be fun again and.. See more

#271 - Status: accepted

2 years ago by luctat1on_ for Global