New title: Admiral

It would be awesome if this title would be added.

#451 - Status: open

4 weeks ago by Scandalists for Global

Server Reset

I think it would be good if the server got reset, because the server is kinda (very) dead right now and I'm almost very sure that if the server got reset the server would be alive again.

#433 - Status: closed

2 months ago by Scandalists for Global

New Pets.

a list of pets that would be nice if added:


Ender Dragon (probably reduced size)



Wither Skeleton


#417 - Status: shortlisted

4 months ago by Scandalists for Global

New Title: Warden

I think it would be pretty nice if this title was added, because if there's a creeper, blaze, skeleton e.t.c then a Warden title would be awesome too. :)

#416 - Status: accepted

4 months ago by Scandalists for Global

New Title: Crusader

I think it would be pretty fun if this title would be added, because there's already a knight title and a crusader is very similar to a knight, and overall the title would look cool

#413 - Status: accepted

4 months ago by Scandalists for Global

a new claim command.

Dear staff, you should add a command called /claim ban. it works the same as /claim kick, but it bans the person from the claim. I think it would help the server because there can be some situations, that someone gets the coordinates of a base, and then keeps coming back no matter how much you /claim kick. This has honestly happened to me and i think that the /claim ban command would be a good f.. See more

#408 - Status: closed

5 months ago by Scandalists for Survival

New Command: Mend

dear staff, you should add a command /mend it is a command that if you have mending on something, you can instantly mend that thing by taking the xp from your xp bar! because sometimes mending your armor with a mob grinder takes a while.

#370 - Status: rejected

1 year ago by Scandalists for Survival