Factions reset!

Posted by Ryan5 years ago

It's finally here! Factions reset.

Top factions (previous season):
- CECE (Leader: Reqro) $288,377,424.64
- Karma (Leader: SweetChildOMine) $169,045,960.75
- SorryWeebs (Leader: JX6JH) $67,400,165.90
- CoupleGoals (Leader: Skarrby) $24,606,636.18
- Eternity (Leader: LemonClorox) $18,142,919.14

Faction leaders can find their vouchers in "Your vouchers" section on new website ;)

With Factions reset we will be adding many new features including resource pets, /f fly, chesthoppers and more - be sure to check it out!