
New Command /color me

Hey Staff i would like to suggest of a new command /color me. It will be pretty cool if its added just like as /color title and /color afk. Thank you

#425 - Status: closed - See reply

10 months ago by TheMightyBeast for Global


/claim setting

maybe make a claim setting perfect for people who have coal+ rank maybe add remove hostile in the setting or you can add beacon effect by buying it in the setting maybe 1m it would be very helpful or night vision yea put that in ./claim setting i really recommend the remove hostile mob they are so annoying.

#375 - Status: closed - See reply

1 year ago by _RottenPotato_ for Global


/plot setting

/plot biome :change your plot biome into snowy swamp any biome
/plot weather : change the weather to thunder snow rain or sunny day

#378 - Status: closed - See reply

1 year ago by _RottenPotato_ for Creative



we would like to have this command and its just disabled its god to store exp for later use just enabling this command will do the job

#3 - Status: closed - See reply

6 years ago by awesometj2k for Global


Ranked Player Commands

As we know, Ranked Player get a slight advantage over other players which is off course what they pay for.
Now I don't think the Ranked Players and Regular players have enough permissions.

I suggest adding /fly (INSIDE OWN TERRITORY (Skyblock on own Island, Factions in own Claims, Survival in own Claims)) to the Diamond Rank (Highest Rank). Sometimes stuff like Generator Buckets on Fac.. See more

#22 - Status: closed - See reply

5 years ago by Kolid for Global


Commands list

Create a commands list outside minecraft to make easy to learn it

#40 - Status: closed - See reply

5 years ago by Balikali for Creative


/chest (aka pocket enderchest)

im tired of going to base or place my ender chest and this is where the /chest come in if you do /chest you will access your chest like ender chest but openning it with command it will be helpful ( death will not reset or remove the /chest data/item)

#182 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by ssbball for Survival



I would love if there was a command for /creative, because theres one for /surival /skyblock and /factions so it would be cool if creative also had one

With love
ElisaLuna ❤️

#521 - Status: closed - See reply

3 months ago by ElisaLuna for Global


New command for survival/factions/skyblock

Can a command be added like xp in a bottle do what is actually already in the server but is disabled (/extractexperience)

Why do I/we like it so much:
We can indeed also use / trade but that is quite different from an xpbottle where you can enter your own xp with number.
For example: 5 levels in an xp bottle stuck that we might also be able to make an xp shop.
That makes it all easier for .. See more

#1 - Status: closed - See reply

6 years ago by Destitution_ for Survival


a new claim command.

Dear staff, you should add a command called /claim ban. it works the same as /claim kick, but it bans the person from the claim. I think it would help the server because there can be some situations, that someone gets the coordinates of a base, and then keeps coming back no matter how much you /claim kick. This has honestly happened to me and i think that the /claim ban command would be a good f.. See more

#408 - Status: closed - See reply

1 year ago by Scandalists for Survival


Clear chat command

I was on a server and I saw that if players advertised, the staff would simply clear the chat. I talked about it to Andrej and we both agreed that it should be added, so we're both suggesting it.

I searched "minecraft clear chat plugin" on google and very quickly found one (I don't know if it's good enough to be added, but since other servers seem to have it it can't be that b.. See more

#27 - Status: closed - See reply

5 years ago by qazwsx for Global


/claim fly

Please add claim fly back its really helpful when building things in survival :(( pls

#77 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by BlankFaceTae for Survival


Add /creative

We can do /survival, /factions, /skyblock easily. But why not for creative? I suggest adding a /creative command to go into the server of creative instantly just like other servers do. It could be either /creative or /server creative :D

#136 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by HardestButGet for Global


/p weather

I like using channeling on a trident so it would be cool to have a /p thunder storm command so we can enjoy using things like chaneling and the noises are really satisfying for building.

-Thanks for reading my suggestion

#523 - Status: closed - See reply

3 months ago by _PAYMENT_ for Global


global suggestion

Hi i would be awesome if you could add some commands on the came for the emerald rank.
/top and /down
for the weaponkills command if it can be added so we can put it our pickaxes and etc it would be fun to have it

#533 - Status: closed - See reply

2 months ago by HawttBanana for Global


command list

hey it would be nice if on the website the would be a tab where you can see all commands you can do i think there are a lot of cool things people don't know about just because they don't know the commands

#185 - Status: closed - See reply

3 years ago by Pindagamer for Global


/dry command

Make a command that is called /dry (iron rank or higher) that dries all the wet sponges in your inventory,it would be useful when draining ocean monuments and draining water in general.

#343 - Status: closed - See reply

2 years ago by tosa29 for Survival


/sky to go to skyblock server


#84 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by CoolerMondi for Skyblock


/claim fly back!

I don't know why the claim fly has been removed, but it should be back on survival because it's helpful for the people to build stuff in their claims, so more creativity and more beautiful warps, thanks.

#100 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by TorrenG for Survival