Master Card

I really don't use any of these payment methods and the last time I used Paypal my account got hacked so I really feel you should add Master Card since many people use it, thank you for your time

#129 - Status: open

3 years ago by KiIIerSkuII for Global


introduce mutlitool for skyblock

add a tool which can on right clicking a chest do
1. estimate a chest's contents worth
2. sell the chest contents
3. condense the chest contents

#113 - Status: open

3 years ago by C0lim0n for Skyblock


nether world borders

please add a a border in nether just like in overworld on the limits of your island. i know there is a warning if you fly past it, but isnt it better to have border instead?

#95 - Status: open

3 years ago by CoolerMondi for Skyblock


Misk Perk suggestion

Add the ability to purchase playerwarp seperatly from the rank in the misc perk section in the /store.

#73 - Status: open

4 years ago by AkrameAkay for Global