
in pvp arena we are not allowed to use splash postions so disable bottle of exp use in arena because it is high in price in /shop bc some people got it like 5or 10shulkers but then it's tprice goes like 6k each bottle and some players use in arena to repair their armor but the players who have /fix can't use /fix in combat mode and sometimes they can't afford bottle of exp so remove .. See more

#517 - Status: open

3 months ago by crazykitty180 for Global

Remove Timer From Wind Charges

It is bad that wind charge have timer because it was fun to use wind charges instantly again and again to hit friends and ct them or in arena to run if you can't fight and also for hitting players who are running from fights please remove timer from wind chwrges

#516 - Status: rejected

3 months ago by crazykitty180 for Global


Hii in last season cactus price was 4$ but now it is 2$ and it is too low because for making cactus farm it takes many resources and many time so please make catus price back to 4$ or 5$ it will be good for all
Thank you

#494 - Status: closed

4 months ago by crazykitty180 for Survival